Business and Marketing
Type of document PowerPoint Presentation
Single spaced No
Subject area Business and Marketing
Academic level Undergraduate
Writing style APA
Writing language English (U.S.)
Number of sources 2
Number of pages 5 page(s) / approximately 1375 words
Order deadline 2011-08-13 09:00
Order additional information
Bridging of the two scholarly activities, the third scholarly activity
culminates in the creation of a PowerPoint slide show. Your assignment
is to imagine that you are presenting your proposal to a foundation or
agency panel. You want them to fund your project, program or general
budget (big bucks), make a convincing presentation.
You can assume anything in developing the PowerPoint (person, place,
time), however, you must follow your research proposal design. This
means that the PowerPoint must discuss essential elements of each
section of the Scholarly Project II, including the budget. It is not
sufficient to clip and paste whole sections of the project into the
PowerPoint, (a funding panel can read your proposal for that). Rather,
you must find the key words that succinctly explain your proposed
study and why it should be funded.
You are free to design your PowerPoint in any format that you see fit.
However, you will be graded on the professionalism of the
presentation. Excessive use of clip art is inappropriate in a
professional/scientific presentation.