To what extend the implementation of conservation area objectives depends on the adoption of detailed design guidance and article 4 restrictions


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To what extend the implementation of conservation area objectives depends on the adoption of detailed design guidance and article 4 restrictions

Masters Dissertation Urban and Regional Planning: Case Study Research Section
Research Question: To what extend the implementation of conservation area objectives depends on the adoption of detailed design guidance and article 4 restrictions
Conservation area objectives are to protect the character and appearance of the conservation area. Local Authorities have the duty to formulate policies to protect the character. Local planning authorities have a duty to manage their conservation areas. Local planning authorities take advantage of the following management measures:
• Character Appraisal
• Detailed guidelines on the character of the area
• Article 4 Restrictions
Hampstead Garden Suburb (HGS) has the following
• Character Appraisal (2010)
• Detailed guidelines on the character of the area


To what extend the implementation of conservation area objectives depends on the adoption of detailed design guidance and article 4 restrictions
• Article 4 Restrictions
Information of the HGS can be found on

I am looking in detail in character area 8

Watling Estate (WE) has the following
• Character Appraisal (2007)
Information on WE

WE character appraisal statement

To what extend the implementation of conservation area objectives depends on the adoption of detailed design guidance and article 4 restrictions

• Please familiarise yourself with the materials and I aim to send the result form the survey before 8 o’clock on Sunday
•Case study 1 Hampstead Garden Suburb (HGS) (1500 words each case)
1. Introduction to the Case Study Chapter 3 (This chapter seeks to answer the following questions: to what extend local authorities can achieve their objective to protect or enhance the character of the area by following governmental advice to produce and update their guidance? and what other factors are there to be considered?
2. General Introduction to the case Start with:
• Location, Landscape and Population (very briefly)
• Designation and Measures in place to protect the character of the area
• Origins of Development (very briefly)
• Architectural and Historic Qualities, and their Contribution to Special Interest/Materials and their contribution to the character of WS
Minor Elements Original SPG Guidance
Walls Red clay brick To match existing
Front porches 3 square metres
3metres in height
Windows and doors White painted timber windows /timber doors/ door canopy Symmetric to match existing
Roof lights

To what extend the implementation of conservation area objectives depends on the adoption of detailed design guidance and article 4 restrictions
3. The Case of HGS(in more detail)
• Policy Responsibilities
-National ,Local, Regional Level
• English Heritage Guidance
• HGS follows it (discuss appeals performance before and after character appraisal + guidance )Use the guidelines to stress how important are minor alterations (Walls, Front porch, Doors and windows, Rooflights, Hardstanding)in HGS
• Detailed Survey (Example) showed that from the 10 properties surveyed 9 has been alerted form their original state,1 at original state but not deteriorating, in 8 out of 9 properties alerted changes are in line with the guidance.

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