Culturally Responsive Leadership in Action


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Culturally Responsive Leadership in Action
Professor’s instructions–Submit a paper that contains the following sections:
1.Introduction: Briefly summarize the multiple perspectives represented in the vignette, and describe your perspective on why the dialogue is relevant to culturally responsive education practices

Culturally Responsive Leadership in Action
2. Strategic Leadership Approach: Describe the immediate response you would have at the Leadership Team meeting, and what leadership theory(ies) supports your immediate response. Then, describe how culturally responsive leadership theory would inform your long-term strategy to advance culturally responsive education practices with the Leadership Team. Your long-term strategy may include identifying what additional information you would need to proceed effectively.

Culturally Responsive Leadership in Action
3.Synthesis: Explain how you would use what you have learned from this exercise to address the culturally responsive education needs in the context you serve or hope to serve as an education leader

Culturally Responsive Leadership in Action

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