Healthcare fee’s and It’s cost
Healthcare fee’s and It’s cost
The length is 4-5 pages (Double-spaced, 12 pt font, Times New Roman, i-inch margins)
Clearly type the labels for each component. Use the outline structure. Incorporate a minimum of 5 different, credible sources. These sources must be
sighted internally
I. Introduction (Why healthcare and it’s fee’s should be free)
A. Attention Statement (Briefly State Problem)
B. State your proposal
II. Significance (define the problem in depth)
A. Main Point #1 (a claim)
a. Your Grounds (evidence)
b. Your Warrant (how does the evidence support your claim)
B. Main Point #2 (a claim)
a. Your Grounds (evidence)
b. Your Warrant (how does the evidence support your claim)
You may decide how many main points are necessary but 2-4 is recommended.
III. Inherency
A. Explain how the problem is rooted within the status quo (How is the current
way that we address this issue cause this problem?
B. Why won’t this problem go away on its own?
IV. Present Plan text
A. Define the Agency (who will solve the problem)
B. Define the Mandates (this is what you want to happen)
C. Enforcement (how will the plan be enforced?)
D. Funding and Staffing (where will the money come from?)
E. Timeline
V. Solvency
In this section, explain how plan will solve for each harm listed in the
Significance section. If you have 2 Main Points in your significance section, then you
should have 2 Main Points in this section.
VI. Advantages: Identify an additional benefits (beyond solving the main problems
identified in your Significance section) to adopting your plan
Explain the specific, independent advantages that will happen post plan. Give
each a number (A, B, etc.)
VII. Conclusion
A. Define how your proposal is better than the current way that our society
addressed this issue.
B. Closing statementTopic: