Security Architect for Manufacturing Company


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Security Architect for a Manufacturing Company

You are the organization security architect for a manufacturing company. The leadership has asked you to research and study cyber-attacks against different cryptography mechanisms and deploy access control programs to prevent those types of attacks. You’re responsible for creating a report which contains a network security vulnerability and threat table in which you outline the security architecture of the organization. The report must also contain a Common Access Card deployment strategy in order to improve the access control in the network.
The report requirement or must contain the following:
1. IT Systems Architecture:
In a tabular format, define and explain the network security threats to the following components of security in the architecture of the organization:
a) LAN security
b) Identity management
c) Physical security
d) Personal security
e) Availability: information, data, files
f) Privacy


Security Architect for a Manufacturing Company

2. Plan of Protection
Provide your plan for protecting identity, access, authorization, and nonrepudiation of information transmission, storage, and usage. Compare several options for a cryptographic programs like Steganography, Encryption/Decryption in order to protect organization’s assets like files, networks, databases, and email.

3. Data Hiding Technologies
Provide a brief overview of each of the following cryptographic means of protecting organization’s assets:
Encryption technologies:
a) Shift/Caesar cipher
b) Polyalphabetic cipher
c) One time pad cipher
d) Block ciphers
e) Triple DES
f) RSA
g) Advanced Encryption Standard
h) Symmetric encryption
i) Text block coding


Security Architect for a Manufacturing Company

Data hiding technologies:
a) Information hiding and steganography
b) Digital watermarking
c) Mask and filtering
*** The above descriptions will be included in the network security vulnerability and threat table below.
4, Creating the Network Security Vulnerability and Threat Table
Using the information you’ve gathered in the above sections, prepare the network vulnerability and threat table in which you outline the following:
· Security architecture of the organization
· The cryptographic means of protecting the assets of the organization
· The types of known attacks against those types of protections
· Means to ward off the attacks
This is an example of Network Vulnerability and Threat table. Please add the degree of impact on the network in the scale of High, Medium, or Low level, and also add recommendation for each vulnerability.

5, Access Control Based on Smart Card Strategies
From the vulnerability and threat table, gather some background information on access control and various encryption schemas associated with the Common Access Card (CAC) to plan and deploy CAC to the organization.
Create a Common Access Card Deployment Strategy for your organization, and describe how identity management would be a part of your overall security program and your CAC deployment plan.
6, The Email Security Strategy
Provide an overview of the types of public-private key pairing, and show how this provides authentication and nonrepudiation. Please include a brief overview of these encryption technologies for email: Public Key Infrastructure (PKI), iOS encryption, and Blackberry encryption.
Start developing your strategy. Define these strong encryption technologies as general principles in secure email:
· GNU Privacy Guard (GPG)
· Public Key Infrastructure (PKI)
· Digital Signature
· Mobile device encryption (iOS, Blackberry encryption)
7, Recommendation
Consider how the use of CAC tied to computer systems might be beneficial in the future enhancements to system and data access protection. This may help long-term security solutions. Relate the security benefits and make recommendations for the security deployment.


Security Architect for a Manufacturing Company

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