Development Research Methods PG
Development Research Methods PG
Development Research Methods PG
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Order description:
Analytical Response
Select two research articles from a major academic journal, that has used one of the research methods relevant for this unit, and write a summary and critique of it. The chosen article should have used different research method (for example, one has used a quantitative research method while the other a qualitative).
Remember that a research article normally presents the results of an original, empirical analysis related to a specific topic. Review or state of the field articles survey a variety of publications on a specific theme, theory pieces discuss theory without much reference to data, or the results of the authors’ own analysis, and opinion pieces or editorials simply set out the authors’ views on a topic.
If you have any questions about whether the article you are considering is a research article, please check with the lecturer.
Development Research Methods PG
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Your summary and critique should be approximately 1000 words.
For your summary, make sure to outline the theory (if any) that the author is applying, the hypotheses that they seek to test, the data and methods that they use, and their conclusion. If the authors are using advanced statistical methods that you don’t understand, don’t worry too much about trying to explain them. Identify the methods and if possible explain why the author believes they are appropriate to the task at hand.
As much as possible, link your discussion to concepts discussed in class. For example, is the study micro or macro? Qualitative or quantitative? Survey, ethnography, archival etc.? How did the researchers draw their sample?
For your critique, offer some opinion about whether the author’s conclusions are justified in light of the evidence they present. Do you believe the author’s claims? Why or why not?
Assessment Criteria
Appropriateness of the article for the analytical response
Critical reflection of the opinions expressed
Analysis of methodology and conclusions
Quality and coherence of the argument
Written Expression
Quality of Resources and Referencing Style
Required reference style is APA, if you need further information check the following link