SPSS Assignment: Statistics II, PSY202S 2017
SPSS Assignment: Statistics II, PSY202S 2017
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This assignment uses a real-life data set from a study examining a representative sample of 600 American high school seniors. Analyses for all except one of the questions (#5) are to be computed using SPSS.
What you’ll hand in is one stapled package of the following (printing double sided is encouraged):
• A double-spaced document in which you answer the seven questions
o Clearly label which question you’re addressing
E.g. Heading of Question 1 begin your discussion of Question 1.
o Discussions are to be formal in language and tone, but you can use first person and have some narrative flow to your writing.
E.g. “I found it surprising that were no significant differences between…I wonder
SPSS Assignment: Statistics II, PSY202S 2017
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o Instructions for analyses are provided in the document we prepared for you in the
Assignment folder under Course Materials and your textbook. A couple of analyses
which were omitted from that document are specified here (e.g. scatterplots and selecting data based on values of a variable.)
• An Appendix A with any by-hand calculations, scatterplots, etc., as required. You must clearly refer to the appendix appropriately throughout your paper
o E.g. “See Appendix A for scatterplots” or “see Appendix A for calculations” so we know to go and look for that in the appropriate spot to supplement your discussion.
• An Appendix B with print-outs of your SPSS output. You will clearly label (either by hand or on your computer) what each print-out corresponds to. See below: Your print-outs are NOT your answers. You have to use the output to write up the results in APA format and discuss them in your actual paper. The SPSS output is simply for TAs to be able to refer to as required.
SPSS Assignment: Statistics II, PSY202S 2017
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• Analyses are to be written up in APA style (see Course Materials for useful links on writing up analyses in proper format)
o Include a cover page with a title, your name and student number, course code,
instructor’s name
o You will be evaluated grades-wise on the APA formatting of your reporting of analyses’results, but you will not be formally evaluated on APA formatting for the rest of your paper (since the main objective is to clearly answer and label each question as you go along)
o However, hewing roughly to APA format throughout would be helpful: Double spacing,
Times New Roman, 12 point font, 1” margins, and page numbers in upper right corner 2
For the 7 questions below, use non-directional hypotheses and an alpha level of 0.05 (this is the default for SPSS analyses). Please label all calculations and SPSS printouts (i.e., so they are easily identified), place in an appendix, and attach to the end of the assignment. Unless instructed to so in the question, do NOT submit (or refer to) your printouts as answers, as they will not be marked as such.
Brief, but detailed and precise, conclusions are needed for each question. An exception is Question
SPSS Assignment: Statistics II, PSY202S 2017
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1, which will require a far more in-depth discussion, interpretation, and, where appropriate, analysis of the data. For all questions, your interpretation of the findings is important. Include follow-up tests and effect sizes etc. where appropriate to enhance your interpretations. For instance, it would be appropriate to follow up on a significant ANOVA with a post hoc test(s).When you run a hypothesis test, you should state your hypotheses and your findings should then
When you run a hypothesis test, you should state your hypotheses and your findings should then be reported in APA style. You’re expected to apply your knowledge of these tests and their meaning from class as you answer these questions.
1. Provide a correlation matrix (include the matrix in appendix A and refer to it in the text of your answer) for all non-categorical variables. Examine the matrix and construct two scatterplots (using SPSS; graphs Legacy dialogs Scatter/dot Simple scatter define enter variables into your y and x axes OK) for the two relationships you feel are the most interesting. For each of those relationships, if you feel it would be illuminating, include additional analysis/es to further explore the relationship between one or both sets of variables that you focused on. Those additional analyses could include looking at a correlation between the variables in some subset of the data or a t-test or ANOVA. Verbally describe these relationships
and what you think they might mean in the context of this data set. The scatterplots should be labelled and included in your appendix, but you should refer to them where relevant in your written work. (12 points)
SPSS Assignment: Statistics II, PSY202S 2017
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2. Select only students whose “reading” score is greater than 50 and obtain the correlation between “reading” and “writing” (data select cases if condition is satisfied if you want reading > 50 continue). Compare with the correlation based on all students. Comment on the difference between these two correlations and possible reasons for the difference. (5 points)
3. Determine whether writing scores can be predicted by math scores. How much of a person’s writing score is predicted by their math score? (4 points)
4. People have different levels of motivation that could play a role in their academic success. Are there significant differences between the science scores of students with the four levels of motivation? Describe any differences you see, and why this might be the case. Hint: You should run both a Scheffé and Tukey’s HSD post hoc test and compare the results of the two tests. (6
5. Some people think career choices differ as a function of gender. To assess this belief, determine the difference in the proportion of males and females making the following five career choices: military, sales, academics, service industry, information technology. State your hypothesis, conduct the relevant analysis testing for independence of gender and career choice, and report your findings, including the strength of any relationship between gender and career choice. You
can use SPSS to determine the values required, but should conduct the analysis for this question manually (include your calculations in the appendix, not the body of the assignment). (5 points)
6. Using Average Grade as the dependent variable, determine whether there are any significant main effects or interactions for the independent variables Socio-Economic Status and School
SPSS Assignment: Statistics II, PSY202S 2017
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Type. Hint: One assumption for ANOVA is violated – indicate which assumption that is. Run and interpret the ANOVA nonetheless (since we have a nice large sample size), but comment on this violation in your report; indicate what it means about the data. (6 points).
7. For the group as a whole, determine whether students perform significantly differently across their math, science, and reading courses. Briefly comment on your findings, and whether you would propose any follow-up analyses to further possible differences between students’performance in these three types of course – you don’t have to run those analyses, just propose them if you think of any. Include mention of any additional variable(s) which would be useful to have measured, if applicable (5 points).
Some contextual information on variables:
Locus of Control. How a person tends to attribute successes and difficulties-either internally or factors such as effort or externally to factors such as chance.
Locus of control refers to the extent to which individuals believe that they can control events that affect them. For this data set, individuals with a high locus of control believe that events result primarily from their own behaviour and actions (internal). They are more likely to assume that their efforts will be successful. Those
with a low locus of control believe that powerful others, fate, or chance primarily determine events (external). Self concept – The ideas, feelings and attitudes that a person has about his own identity, worth,capabilities and limitations.