Modernist Architecture
In what ways did the conditions created by modernity influence the social, political, cultural, economic changes occurring in society and architecture
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How was this reflected in modernist architecture. Identify what where the
conditions created by modernity, as discussed in the lectures and
readings how did this impact politically, socially economically, and how
did artist respond. Use specific examples of individual artist’s
responses to support your analysis.
Preparation: Identify what where the conditions created by modernity, as
discussed in the lectures and readings how did this impact politically,
socially economically, and how did artist respond. Use specific examples
of individual artist’s responses to support your analysis.
In what ways did the conditions created by modernity influence the social, political, cultural, economic changes occurring in society and architecture
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Gay, P 2008, Modernism: The lure of heresy: From Baudelaire to Beckett
and beyond
Presentation: Include a cover sheet. Essays should be typed,
single-sided with no less than 12pt font, 1.5 – 2.0 line spacing, with
all pages firmly stapled together. Students must keep a copy of all
material presented for assessment. Submit via Learnline.
Assessment criteria: Content :
Evidence of reading and research:
• Covers all important issues in relation to the topic and stated scope
Depth of analysis and evidence of critical thinking in identifying
contemporary issues:
• Uses readings (references) to substantiate positions taken in relation
to topic.
In what ways did the conditions created by modernity influence the social, political, cultural, economic changes occurring in society and architecture
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• Clearly distinguishes between references and own statements
Creative and imaginative response in communicating ideas
• The writer’s argument is made explicit throughout the essay through
the use of semantic markers and restating of the thesis.
• The argument is presented in a logical order
• Evidence contradicting thesis included and dealt with
Text organization: Clarity & coherence organisation and expression of
ideas in a logical manner
In what ways did the conditions created by modernity influence the social, political, cultural, economic changes occurring in society and architecture
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• Provides an orientation to the topic (defining topic and key terms)
• States purpose of the essay
• States thesis or proposition (main point/argument)
• States outline of the essay’s stages
• States scope of the essay
Main Body
• Arguments logically sequenced to support thesis
• Each argument linked to thesis in topic sentence
• Arguments logically organised into paragraphs
• Paragraphs linked
• Generally one argument per paragraph
In what ways did the conditions created by modernity influence the social, political, cultural, economic changes occurring in society and architecture
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• Summarises outline
• Confirms/states thesis
• Qualifies thesis if required
Literacy skills: grammar, spelling, sentence & paragraph construction
• Spelling and punctuation accurate
• Sentence structure not too long and meaning clear
• Formal academic language used
Language specific to the topic/discipline used where appropriate
Correct referencing APA /list of references Adequate and appropriate
illustrations correctly