Understanding social behaviour of two-and four-year olds
Understanding social behaviour of two-and four-year olds in a pretend
play context
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Research question: Do 4 year olds demonstrate more collaborative play in
a pretend play context than 2 year olds?
Start with the research question, how are you addressing this question
and create an argument about why you using qualitative approach and not
other approaches and why you used a specific method and not other.
Methodology – an account of the approach and procedures used which would
enable the reader to repeat the study – you must refer to literature on
research methods. (approx. 1,550 words). It should include discussion of:
• Research design: describe your methodological approach (e.g.
Understanding social behaviour of two-and four-year olds in a pretend
play context
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qualitative, quantitative, mixed methods) and the research methods that
have been used. Justify the selection of these methods, explaining why
they were chosen for the purpose and showing an awareness of the
possible range of methods.
• Ethical Consideration: what ethics/guidelines were considered? Any
ethical issues?
• Participants: how many/ selection process/ backgrounds
• Materials: explain how the research instruments (e.g. questionnaires)
were designed and include examples of some of the questions asked (e.g.
include a copy of a blank questionnaire or an interview schedule in the
• Procedure: any procedure you used to collect the data: e.g.
instructions given to participants; duration, timing, number of sessions.
• Analysis of data: what analysis? how is it presented?