Aesthetic Labour


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First Class Honors

First Class Honors

What does people think about the aesthetic labour, mainly on the image, when they are recruiting?
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Assignment part 2 needs to be done
Compiled data from questionnaires and interviews
Data Analysis plan
Data analysis (2000words)
Conclusions and recommendations from the gathered data (500 words)
Executive summary (500-750words)
Need to use SPSS, Anova, and T test for the results

Comment from assignment 1
As marking is anonymous for all students, please note that you should
not include your name on future assignments.

What does people think about the aesthetic labour, mainly on the image, when they are recruiting?
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Aestheic labour is an appropriate focus for this unit. The literature
review uses various sources to provide an overview of literature on
aesthetic labour. As well as giving the research background, your
literature review should show what is currently missing from existing
research that makes more research necessary, and explicitly say why your
research question is important and interesting. Although some of this is
implied in your literature review, it is not explicitly shown.

Although your research question’s focus is appropriate, the question
itself is broad and it is difficult to tell whether it matches your
research instruments. The research question sounds as if it is looking
at the views of recruiters, rather than the people being recruited. As
this doesn’t match your questionnaire and interview questions, I wonder
whether this needed reworded for clarity.

What does people think about the aesthetic labour, mainly on the image, when they are recruiting?
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Your interview questions are open and appropriate for analysis. The
questionnaire is not yet well suited to the analysis you need to do for
this unit. As we will need to conduct t-tests and ANOVAs on the data you
collect, your questionnaire needs to:

1) include a question which allows participants to be split into two
groups (e.g. travelled with friends/travelled alone).
2) include a question which allows participants to be split into three
or more groups.
3) include questions that allow a numerical mean to be generated for all

The best way to meet requirement three is to include several questions
with the response options “strongly agree, agree, neutral, disagree,
strongly disagree”. In your questionnaire, you might be able to adapt
your yes/no answer questions fairly easily to be answered with this
scale. This would ensure you can conduct the analysis needed for the
unit on your questionnaire data.

What does people think about the aesthetic labour, mainly on the image, when they are recruiting?
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