MKT3000 Term Project Outline
MKT3000 Term Project Outline
A Market Development Plan for Party Snack Product
To provide students a hand-on experience in evaluating marketing opportunities, applying
learning marketing concepts and terms, learning how to engage in a teamwork environment, as
well as experiencing other skills and benefits (such as critical thinking, idea exchange,
organization, writing, etc.) from a comprehensive written report and a narrated presentation.
The Task:
The general manager of General Mills Inc. has recruited your group to be the project team for a
new party snack product for college students and to be market tested in the Seattle market area.
Your team is asked to prepare a Market Development Plan. You will present your findings and
proposal to a key decision-making committee of the firm. Your project will be judged by your
understanding of the company, the target market (Seattle), overall understanding of marketing
theories and concepts, overall qualitative and quantitative analysis, recommendations, detailed
marketing plan, as well as the overall organization and readability of your paper.
Submission Requirements:
This is a group project, including a written report and a narrated or oral presentation. Groups of
3-5 students are formed for the group term project.
MKT3000 Term Project Outline
A Market Development Plan for Party Snack Product
For on-line students:
(1) Post the following in Assignments, one per group. In your submission text box, list all
group members and the title of the project.
a. The written report, in doc (Word) format only;
b. the SafeAssign Report (download from Blackboard); and
c. the PowerPoint presentation in ppt format only.
(2) Then post a copy of the PowerPoint presentation in Discussions to share with the class.
(3) View and provide critiques to others’ presentations as well as responding to others’
critiques or comments on your presentation.
(4) Complete a peer review form on Blackboard.
For on-campus students:
(1) Submit the following in Assignments, one per group under Blackboard assignment
folder. In your submission text box, list all group members and the title of the project.
a. The written report, in doc (Word) format only;
b. the SafeAssign Report (download from Blackboard); and
c. the PowerPoint presentation in ppt format only.
(2) Make an oral presentation in class.
(3) Listen and provide critiques to others’ presentations as well as responding to others’
critiques or comments on your presentation in class.
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MKT3000 Term Project Outline
A Market Development Plan for Party Snack Product
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(4) Complete a peer review form on Blackboard.
Formatting & Length:
Written Report: No more than 20 typed single-spaced pages in Word (.doc) format only. Use
New Time Roman, font size 12, 1″ margins on all sides. No minimum.
Appendices do not count toward the page limit (See description for Appendices
toward the end of the handout).
Ideal length: 15 pages.
Presentation: No more than 30 slides in PowerPoint (.ppt) format only. This is a required
component. All students are required to participate. Narrations are mandatory.
Please record your narration in a format that does not create a file size more
than 50 MB if possible.
Ideal length: 20 slides.
Expected Time Commitment: 30 hours per student expected for an average B-/C+ grade over the
designated four-week project period.
Written Report General Guidelines:
At a minimum, you will report the following in your written report:
1. Checklist/Table of Contents (1 Pages) – Project Report Cover Page
2. A description of the product of your interest.
3. A report on the choice market (by geography, demographics, benefits, etc.)
4. An integrated analysis of the market opportunities available to the company.
5. Available market development alternatives.
6. Detailed evaluation of market development alternatives.
7. An actionable marketing plan based on your recommendations.
8. Expected outcomes in marketing and financial terms.
MKT3000 Term Project Outline
A Market Development Plan for Party Snack Product
For you term project, you should make every attempt to make sure that your subject is as realistic
as possible. It is a general requirement that you do a thorough background information research
first. Once you have substantial and sufficient background information, a good marketing plan
can be developed naturally.
The written report should be neatly written and carefully edited. However, you may enhance
headings, subheadings, and key concepts by different fonts or sizes. Source of information
should be cited and footnoted in the main body of the project where it is used. You will be
graded on the overall quality of the report, including the content, organization, appearance,
typos, etc.
Special Note on Concept Applications:
To demonstrate learning, it is highly desirable to apply learned theories and concepts as often as
you can. Highlight ALL marketing terms, concepts, theories, practices, in red or a color of your
choice throughout your written report. See below for an example:
“As this product is tailored for a niche market, a targeting strategy that can reach such market
directly is desirable. Direct mailing and personal selling are two of the promotional vehicles that
are more cost effective than other promotional methods, such as TV commercials. A skimming
pricing strategy will be used during the introductory and growth stages of the PLC.”
Only highlight formal marketing-related terms, such as niche market, targeting strategy, direct
mailing, personal selling, and skimming pricing. Do not highlight generic words, such as
product, and TV commercials.
Academic Integrity:
MKT3000 Term Project Outline
A Market Development Plan for Party Snack Product
The written report must conform to the University’s academic integrity policy as indicated on the
course syllabus and passed the SafeAssign check by Blackboard. Failing the authenticity check
could lead to serious consequences. The instructor is required to report potential student
misconducts to university officials for reviews and actions. For group reports, all group members
are responsible for the report’s authenticity even if the section in question is prepared by another
student. The group coordinator must take initiative to make sure all group members turn in own
writing. It is usually a good idea to request each group member submit own work to the tool
assignment for checking before sharing with the group.
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Main Components of the Marketing Plan
The following are required main components of a marketing plan. Students are encouraged to
develop their own style with enhanced creativity. Grading importance of the written project is
noted in each selected section as noted by the % of the overall project grade.
1. Checklist/Table of Contents (1 Pages) – Official Project Report Cover Page
This is the official group term project cover page. It must a detailed list of project
contents and names of all contributing students (Do NOT include non-contributing
students). Students must provide the checklist as the cover page of the report.
2. Memo to CEO/Executive Summary (1-2 pages)
This is a one- or two-page summary of the project. It provides a quick overview,
including key conclusions from situation analysis, marketing objectives, and key
ingredients in your marketing plan. This memo is of ultimate value in the corporate
environment as a must-read material for the CEO and senior managers.
3. Introduction (1 Pages)
MKT3000 Term Project Outline
A Market Development Plan for Party Snack Product
This is a brief introductory review section about the project. Clearly but briefly describe
the product to be promoted and marketed. State the purposes and/or objectives of this
new venture and its potential contributions to the firm.
• What are the key product characteristics?
• How will the product meet the target consumer’s needs?
• How does the product differ from existing products?
• Attach Your Product Concept Sheet. A product concept sheet provides a simple
visualization of the product and one- or two-paragraph descriptions of the product.
Use your creativity to prepare an appealing product concept sheet. (10% of project grade)
4. Situation Analysis (2 Pages) (about 10% of project grade)
This section of the report addresses where you are now, including (but not limit to):
• What market segments exist in the overall target market? (Given the nature of the
markets – size, characteristics, competitive activities, and strategies – provide an
overall market structure)
• What marketing opportunities exist? Are there any unmet needs?
• Who are the customers this product will serve?
• How does the product help to fill the unmet needs?
• Which market segment(s) will be served by the product and how?
• What are the important characteristics of the selected target segment(s)?
• Who are the major direct competitors? Who are the major indirect competitors?
• Include a table for SWOT analysis.
MKT3000 Term Project Outline
A Market Development Plan for Party Snack Product
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5. Marketing Objectives and Strategies (1 pages) (about 20% of project grade)
This portion of the report addresses what we want to accomplish:
A. Short-term and Long-term Objectives
• What level of sales volume do we expect to achieve within six months of
• What level of profitability do we expect to accomplish within six months of initial
• What level of sales volume do we expect to achieve after the first three years?
• What level of profitability do we expect to accomplish after the first three years?
• A forecasting chart is required. Prepare a high-quality chart, outlining your
projected figures for the above items.
B. Target Strategy
Specify the selected niches with detailed descriptions on who they are, where they
are, what they are (demographics, psychographics, etc.), etc.
C. Positioning Strategy: Perceptual Objectives
• What consumer perception do we want to create for the new business?
• What will you do to assure that you create the consumer perception that you intend to
create? Be sure to use two or few discriminating factors on your map(s).
• A positioning (perceptual) map is recommended. Prepare a high-quality map figure,
illustrating the position of the product in relation to direct and/or indirect competitors
on selected factors.
6. Marketing Mix Strategy (2-5 pages) (about 30% of project grade)
This section addresses how we can get there:
A. Product Strategy
• What is your product mix? What variations in flavor, size, or style, if available, will
be available to your target customers?
• What is your proposed branding strategy?
MKT3000 Term Project Outline
A Market Development Plan for Party Snack Product
B. Pricing Strategy
• What are the appropriate price levels? What is your pricing mix?
• How do the selected prices compare to the prices of the competition?
• Attach a price comparison table. Prepare a high-quality table, comparing the price of
the product with those of direct and/or indirect competitors.
C. Distribution Strategy
• What is your distribution mix?
• What are the major characteristics of the selected distribution strategy?
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D. Promotional Strategy
• What is the estimated promotional budget? How do you determine on the promotional
• How will you reach out to your target customers?
• What mix of personal selling, advertising, and sales promotional activities will be
• What is the appropriate promotional scheduling (when to engage in what promotion
• Attach a sample advertising sheet here. Prepare a high-quality print advertising copy
to be used in magazines and/or Sunday newspaper inserts (e.g., coupons and ads
booklets in your Sunday newspaper).
7. Implementation Plan (1-2 pages)
• Specify how various marketing actions will be executed.
• Detail a time table to specify when those marketing actions will be taken.
8. Evaluation (1 pages)
MKT3000 Term Project Outline
A Market Development Plan for Party Snack Product
You will provide a self-evaluation on your proposed marketing plan. You will try to
justify the validity of your marketing plan. The following issues may be addressed:
• How will the marketing plan accomplish the stated marketing objectives?
• What will be the short-term financial impact of this plan for the first year?
• What will be the long-term financial impact (3 years) of this new product?
• What are the expected financial and other contributions of this product?
• A graph or chart with projected numbers is required. (5% of project grade)
8. Conclusions and Recommendations (1 pages)
State your recommendations to the chief decision-makers in the firm. Briefly gloss over,
reiterate and summarize the salient aspects of your report.
9. References:
Provide all references using a standard citation style. For company and industry
information, some library resources (available in the reference section) may provide a
good starting point. You may not find the exact information that you are looking for.
Some information will not be available. You may have to rely on educated guess. A
partial, short list of potential data sources are listed below:
Government and Public Data and Publications
Census Bureau Statistics (
Bureau of Labor Statistics Data (
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MKT3000 Term Project Outline
A Market Development Plan for Party Snack Product
page 7
MediaMark Cereal Product Reports
Simmons Market Research Bureau, Inc.
International Directory of Company Histories
Business Week
Standard and Poors
Progressive Grocers
Advertising Age
Arbitron Radio Ratings
A. C. Neilson Television Ratings
American Demographics
The Almanac of Consumer Markets
10. Appendices
Provide related secondary tables, graphs, charts, exhibits and other relevant materials in
this section of the report. Key tables, graphs, or charts should be incorporated into the
main body of the project. Appendices do not count toward the page limit.
Word of Caution: By submitting the completed report, all group members claim authorship and
originality for the whole report. All reports will be checked via SafeAssign for partial or
complete plagiarism. Do not share your report with others. If any portion of the submitted report
is in violin of university policy and course policy, all members will receive an automatic F for
the course. Students may be referred to college officials for further disciplinary actions.
Group Checklist for Term Report & Presentation:
__ Written report and PowerPoint file are submitted under Assignments, one per group. In the
submission box, names and title of the project are provided.
__ Presentation is posted under Discussion
__ Key marketing terms, concepts, and theories are highlighted in the report.
__ Cover Page – Checklist/Table of Content for the written report.
__ A product concept page is included in the report.
__ A SWOT table is included in the report.
__ A forecasting chart is included in the report.
__ A perceptual map is included in the report.
__ A price comparison table is included in the report.
__ An advertising copy page is included in the report.
__ A graph or chart with projected outcomes is included in the report