Israel- Palestine Conflict


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Israel- Palestine Conflict different conflict concepts

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Different conflict concepts

Wallensteen contends that the phrase conflict is often associated with a negative inflection. The narrative is echoed by Saitis and Saiti who indicates that impaired phenomena such as discord, dispute are usually linked to conflict. Nevertheless, the ubiquitous nature of conflicts has also become a contentious topic in political spheres. Whereas Jeong contends that the faculty of peace and conflict studies owes part of its title on the subject matter; Rahim shows that discrepancy over the meticulous concept of the conflict as a phrase is still as predominant as ever. Though this may be quite perplexing, the reality is that conflict as a phrase is the most mysterious and provocative terminology.
Conflict categories
According to Bailyn studies that examine the origins and clusters of conflict have normally concentrated on two combatant strategies: the subjectivist as well as objectivist. For the objectivist strategy, Chouliarki examines for the basis of conflict in the socio-political arrangement and composition of society and whether the objectives at stake could be compatible. In contrast, the subjectivist vantage point is centered on the apparent mismatch of objectives and disparities. As Horton suggests, it is the mismatch of objectives that degenerate into conflict.

On the contrary, Thompson agrees with this view in citing that it is not the objective discordancy that is vital, instead the superficial inconsistency. The incongruity of objectives and interests or at least their conception as unharmonious by parties embroiled in a dispute is what forms the citadel of conflict analysis in politics.  Posen shows that height of mismatch is an integral variable that affects the intensity of the dispute as well as dynamism of conflict stages. Immediately the conflict has erupted, it escalates further vigorously with an intensity that varies its courses and phases. In that aspect, comprehending enveloping phases of war and its clustering is essential since it might present suggestions of the foreseeable future and measures for mitigating the conflict.

Israel- Palestine Conflict different conflict concepts

Non-violent conflicts

The dearth of violence does not necessarily imply the absence of conflict. Contradictory interests can as well be pursued in the absence of war or antagonism. The existence of war could also indicate mean that warring parties have been implementing aggressive strategies in their struggle to find a lasting solution and put their differences behind is an issue of national importance.  While parties may resolve differences amicably, the reality of peaceful conflict should be visible and acknowledged by the international community, and equally, involved parties as well.

According to Mac Ginty, there is need to reassert the notion that aggressive escalation of every war stems from a period where silent squabbles have been going on. The argument by the previous author is corroborated by Diehl in suggesting than peaceful conflict is an apparent warring process and also illustrated a scenario where two or more actors tend to pursue their viewpoints of mutually incongruent objectives by refuting their goal-seeking abilities. In the words of Dinstein, a conflict cannot be established in the absence of visible symptoms that demonstrate a particular stand disparity or interest conflicting between two states over certain commodity.

While terms for conflict may exist, parties may also fail to pursue an overt approach to accomplish their objectives. Nevertheless, a single party should ensure their perceptional disparities are communicated by pronouncing demands. Based on this rationale, a masked conflict can be described as the developmental phase of antagonism where embroiled parties often question mainstream values or simply issues with a national significance. According to Diehl, covert conflicts should convey some quantifiable and visible signs so as to be acknowledged to be so. Positional discrepancies as well as conflicting interests should be articulated as claims.

Israel- Palestine Conflict different conflict concepts

Conflict management

Conflict management reflects the perception of the mediator to help the conflicting parties. Even though strategies for managing conflicts can be different, Reimann argue that the many approaches for handling conflicts.
Conflict settlement
According to Reimann, conflict settlement includes strategies for ending the conflict. This is supported by Hultquist who demonstrates that conflict is regarded as a deficit in a given political structure. In such cases, conflict is viewed as an outcome of incompatible interests, struggle for power or limited resources. Therefore, conflict is recognised as zero-sum game. Nonetheless, based on Khanzadi, the zero-sum game can be categorised based on the interests of the involved parties and the level of conflict acceleration. The perspective is supported by Fisher et al. who associates it with the rational choice method.

The conflicting parties are rational actors who prioritise their interests with mutual benefit. Conflict research put emphasis on mediator that is in charge of adopting strategies that change the zero-sum game so as to reach a peace agreement (Fisher et al). Moreover, mediation strategies integrate various measures such as coercive, economic sanctions or negotiation. Even though economic sanctions are short term approaches, mediation and negotiation are the foundation of lasting conflict management.


Israel- Palestine Conflict different conflict concepts

Conflict resolution
A previous study demonstrates that conflict resolution concentrate on strategies for get an solution of the involved parties. However, conflict settlement interventions perceive ongoing violence as an outcome of unfilled needs.  Similarly, Fisher et al. alleges that negotiable interests should be separated from the needs. In this case, recognition, security and justice have to be taken into account as needs and values. Values are universal and indivisible hence, they should be inhibited. With respect to conflict resolution, the aim is not ending the skirmish that transforming it into non-violent engagement.

While Väyrynen fails to provide comprehensive requirements of the basic needs, he presents a broad range of techniques include round table meeting, negotiation, mediation and arbitration. The purpose of these approaches is to change the violent into acceptable state for the parties. Furthermore, effective communication between the involved parties and mutual understanding of interests is necessary. The important thing for the conflicting parties is that human needs are not restricted whilst arbitration could result to win-win results.
Conflict avoidance

Literature shows that there are different conflict resolution strategies.  During peace negotiation, preventative strategies focus on reinforcing the structures. Therefore, peace is not equivalent to violence instead a scenario characterised by positive peace. This is consistent with Krieg who notes that long term cultivating of connections with violence.  The author highlight different elements including setting conditions for lasting peace; de-privitising violence, establishment of rule of law, practical conflict system, social justice  and controlling state aggression-monopoly. Nonetheless, during conflict a distinction can be made between operational and structural avoidance. The structural measure focus on preventing the emergence of a crisis whereas operation puts more emphasis on measures used to avert immediate crisis.

Israel- Palestine Conflict different conflict concepts

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