Sustainable Planning, Design and Construction on a brownfield site


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First Class Honors

First Class Honors

Sustainable Planning, Design and Construction on a brownfield site

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The first component would be based on your weekly contribution to your portfolio,
which would be graded as part of your overall score in the module. This will consist
of five major tasks, and they will form a quarter (25%) of the overall assessment.
The second component of your assessment will be based on a major coursework
that covers your learning activities from week 2 to 11, and this accounts for 75% of
the two components. Detail of this component of your assessment is available below
Below is a summary of the assessment:
Coursework brief (75%)
Sustainable planning, design and construction on a brownfield site
You work for a developer that is responsible for planning, designing and construction
of sustainable buildings on a brownfield site near a town centre/city centre/built-up
area of your choice. The local authority has requested that your planning permission
is subject to an agreement that every activity to be carried out must be justified from
a sustainability perspective

Sustainable Planning, Design and Construction on a brownfield site

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Your task is to:
1. Specify the design of the site: Your proposed development should be more
than one building and you must justify the reason for the design from a
sustainability perspective.
You are also expected to explain the various elements included in your
design, using sketches where appropriate. The sustainable urban design
principles that informed your choice of the following must be clearly justified:
§ Building mix and use of space
§ Landscaping and drainage system
§ Relation to immediate architecture
§ Road network/primary traffic
§ Public services
§ Building orientation
§ Outdoor facilities
§ Any other elements and/or features of your design in addition to the above
Specify materials, services and construction techniques: As a member of the
team, you have been commissioned to design and construct an exclusive private
dwelling within the development. The design is to focus on three major aspects of
your private dwelling including:
§ Sustainable construction materials
§ sustainable construction methods, techniques, processes and site
management practices
§ Sustainable building services, resources and facilities
Your report should justify the choice of materials, methods, construction
management approaches, as well as sustainable services, resources and facilities,
with particular emphasis on specifications that consider various indices of
Among others, the following indices of sustainability could be used for justifying the
choices made:
§ The life cycle, environmental cost and embodied energy of chosen
§ The effect of indoor climate on the health, comfort and productivity of
§ The social aspects of the building in its suitability for different kinds of
users (e.g. elderly people, parents with young children and disabled).
§ Access to services needed by the users of the building
§ Support for social cohesion and relationships.
§ Economic justification for materials choice and construction technology
§ The choice of energy and building services
You are expected to identify and explain the guiding sustainability principles for your
proposal, choice of materials, services, construction method and project
management decisions.

Sustainable Planning, Design and Construction on a brownfield site

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Submission Requirements
The assignment submission will be in report format, approximately 4,500 words in
length, conforming to appropriate written assignment standards.
Dividing the submission into sections by using sub-headings makes presentation and
reading easier, and a robust conclusion (drawing on arguments presented in your
writing) is a vital element.
Reference sources can be freely drawn on, but remember to cite the source(s) used,
and identify them properly in the References section.
Submission Date/Requirement
See MyBeckett for Deadline
This module requires you to submit your coursework via Turnitin, whose folder is
included on Mybeckett module content page. Turnitin is a worldwide text-matching
service; you can also use this to help check your references.
Using Turnitin, you can also revise, re-check and resubmit your work right up to
24hrs before the submission date and time. To make use of this checking service
you must submit your work early.
No resubmissions will be accepted after 11: 59 pm on the day of the deadline.
CAUTION: Please note that if you submit your work in Turnitin and then decide to
revise or override the original copy, you will automatically lose the freedom to get the
similarity index within 24hrs after three attempts.
To reiterate, if you decide to make use of the checking service, then you must also
be prepared to resubmit your work earlier giving a minimum of 24hrs lag to the
deadline in order to get your similarity index report.
If you ignore this and try to request a similarity index on the handing in date then,
unfortunately, the system will freeze on you with a ‘pending’ notice
Discussion Board: Please note that the module discussion boards are designed to
provide a rich source of collaborative thought and ideas, and to provide a platform for
you to investigate and log the various aspects of your design.
This is expected to formatively influence the content of your final (design) report. As
much as you are engaging one another, the module leader would also be able to
offer suggestions through the discussion board.


Sustainable Planning, Design and Construction on a brownfield site

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