Economic Baseline Study of Hulme Neighbourhood in Manchester
Economic Baseline Study of Hulme Neighbourhood in Manchester
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Following the master rejuvenation plan for Hulme, the economic priorities for Manchester have been to enhance productivity, expand the market and job opportunities, attract massive investments, enhance skills and provide a robust business environment with the best support ever. As the economic impetus of the City, Manchester has key assets within the metropolis. Facilities such as the Regional Centre, higher institutions of learning, knowledge economy, robust monetary and professional services industry, a group of hospitals, Manchester Airport, development sectors, skilled human resource and accessible roads contribute to the vibrant economy of this region.
The region offers many jobs in Greater Manchester. Moreover, Manchester also provides twice the number of conventional employment facilities such as offices, industrial and warehouses and 50 percent more floorspace in the region ( While the economic progression was anticipated to drag owing to the 2008-10 recession, in the initial part of the Core Strategy phase, the medium to long terms economic viability looks promising with exponential growth anticipated in Hulme. Projections indicate an increase in job opportunities over the Core Strategy period.
Economic Baseline Study of Hulme Neighbourhood in Manchester
Figure 1: Map showing Hulme District (source: Google maps)
Manchester has gone through an important economic revitalization over the last three decades, and sectors that propelled economic development are now underpinned by Knowledge Based Industries. Such industries include; the digital and creative domains, financial and business services, biotech, engineering and ecological services. According to the Policy EC 1, spatial development between 2010 and 2027 will take place on approximately 200ha of land to include offices, research and development, light and general industries and also distribution and warehousing (
As an important economic hub in Manchester city, Hulme has a thriving economy as well as numerous opportunities. On the one hand, Manchester city is basically an economic driver in terms of providing land for important economic activities (Jackson and Crilly, 2016). It also promotes the relationships that allow the neighboring districts especially Hulme to develop and take a leading role in economic process. On the other hand, the City Centre is considered in the policy context that highlights the need to fulfill city objectives. According to the Manchester Sustainable Community Strategy and the Greater Manchester Strategy, the region’s goals for economic development can only be achieved if the City Centre has a role to play.
Economic Baseline Study of Hulme Neighbourhood in Manchester
Economic Baseline Study of Hulme Neighbourhood in Manchester
Again, the 2009-2012, Strategic Plan for Manchester City Centre delineates development goals for the City Centre ( For this reason, the Core Strategy complements such policy documents by putting emphasis on presenting guidelines for moving forward the City’s economic development goals. It also offers necessary flexibility for the City’s growth and responds to the emerging opportunities. The flexibility is particularly important due to the economic recession of 2008 to 2001. Therefore, due to the role of Manchester City Centre and the neighboring areas, it is necessary for the local development framework to integrate changes in the quantum of growth.
Manchester city plays an important role in the economic development of the surrounding region. As an economic driver for instance, it is essential in facilitating the economic agenda. Agglomeration opportunities underlie the significance of the City as a facilitator to improve productivity. With respect to Hulme, it has several assets that drive growth such as the vibrant private sector with professionals as well as financial services. Again, it has higher learning institutions such University of Manchester, Manchester Metropolitan, which provides skilled human capital attractive to the businesses. Other assets that drive economic development in Hulme are good infrastructure network comprising of digital, transport, hospitals and flood defence.
Economic Baseline Study of Hulme Neighbourhood in Manchester
Economic Baseline Study of Hulme Neighbourhood in Manchester
Nonetheless, sectors that underpin the future development of Hulme are located in Manchester City and continuously diversify the economic base (Franta and Bojarowicz, 2018). There are also opportunities of extending commercial core of Hulme to effectively incorporate fringe regions for commercial mixed uses. Thus, business growth is facilitated through provision of various types of accommodation. In terms of agglomeration, Hulme is strategically located to attract investment. Notably, the area attracts City workers because it is accessible. The location of Hulme is also the focus for economic growth that facilitates investment in infrastructural facilities. Based on this reason, the planning for employment should take into account challenges of large schemes in such an environment. Even though the new schemes across Hulme exceed the requirements for town employment, it is not possible to deliver all the schemes (Jackson and Crilly, 2016). Master plan sites are also time-consuming. Hence, Hulme has emerged as one of the areas to provide accessibility to Manchester City Centre to fulfill demand for economic growth. Thus, co-development and neighboring areas can provide accommodation to businesses that cannot access Manchester City Centre’s office spaces as a result of cost.
Inasmuch as Manchester is a centre for commercial activities, the neighboring areas are important locations for economic growth. Central Manchester includes Hulme, Rusholme and Longsight and is anticipated to provide roughly 14ha of employment land ( This can be realized through the Corridor/Manchester in the Central Manchester Regeneration Area that is appropriate for light industries, education, office, health, research and development. However, the Corridor overlaps with the City’s boundary and must be consistent with Manchester city center and City Centre Fringe. The government has also been critical in enhancing other pertinent contributors to economic development and productivity in areas such as healthcare, education, retailing, cultural and tourism facilities among other employment generating uses.
Economic Baseline Study of Hulme Neighbourhood in Manchester
Economic Baseline Study of Hulme Neighbourhood in Manchester
To ensure consistent economic development in Hulme District, there has been continuous efforts to enhance access to jobs for all through different modes of transports such as cycling, walking and public transport as well. Employment portfolio has also been modernized through a broad range of employment sites and facilities for small, medium and large establishments. The direction adopted towards the Regional Centre mirrors the time-honored commercial hub of the city region, and goals of PPS4 to direct main, office-centered employment practices to appropriate centers. Sports and leisure activities are increasing as well, especially with a dedicated Metrolink stop.
Manchester Airport
Manchester Airport has, for instance, materialized as a potential area for employment, an aspect that may continue moving forwar