Life and Paintings of Ed Clark


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Life and Paintings of Ed Clark

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Life and Paintings of Ed Clark  This is a thesis paper on Ed Clark and his life and paintings. Title- Life and Paintings of Ed Clark I’m attaching 20 pages that I already wrote about this artist and this topic. It needs to be polished and expanded to 30 pages. Do additional research on this topic (reliable sources only). Write in clear and simple English. I need someone passionate about the arts and this artist. I’m also attached two readings that you absolutely have to include in your paper. 1 is Title -Ed Clark : a survey / curated by Sukanya Rajaratnam. Publisher New York, NY : Mnuchin Gallery, [2018] Another one is a chapter from Darby English book “A year in the Life of Color”. read and quote! I need excellent work because this is a thesis paper! You technically only need to write 10 additional pages but I’m paying for 20 because you need to rewrite most of the existing thesis essay. Format- Chicago footnotes Do not hesitate to ask me any questions Thank you Preferred language style Simple (Easy vocabulary, simple grammar constructions).

Life and Paintings of Ed Clark

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