Consumer Genetic Testing


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Consumer Genetic Testing

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Description My project consists of 3 parts – a leaflet, questionnaire and an essay. I need help writing the essay component of my project. I had to create a leaflet regarding direct-to-consumer genetic testing, focusing on 23&me and I also had to create a questionnaire about people’s attitudes towards these services/publicly available genetic information. I asked for individuals to complete a questionnaire before and after reading the leaflet provided and collected the resultant data. I then had to write a 3000 word essay on ‘Publicly available genetic information: health’ incorporating analysis of the data I have collected. A rough plan I have followed: – Start by explaining what DTC genetic tests are – What do they tell you about in terms of health – Talk through pros then cons of genetic testing relating to health including those that are in the leaflet –

Consumer Genetic Testing

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Conclusion about whether the information provided by these tests should be publicly available/whether DTC tests are beneficial – I need you to refer back to relevant parts of the data in essay/comment on/analyse the data —> some examples: could mention how people mainly reported that they would not consent to their data being used in research, perhaps limiting the benefit of DTC genetic testing in contributing to research; most responders would be more willing to know if they were at increased risk of developing a certain condition if it was curable – this emphasises how an important motivation for individuals purchasing DTC genetic tests is the potential improvement in outcome of diseases; most people would go to a genetic counsellor to have their results explained which is important in terms of confirmation of results and support for the patient. I think the leaflet and questionnaire should be included in the appendix (not included in word count). I need help with analysing the data from my questionnaires and adding this into the essay where appropriate (data is in a folder on my google drive – link below). I will also need help with the conclusion. I would be happy for any changes to be made to my work so far that you think would benefit the essay. ask support for a link to access the data Our essay was originally described as a ‘3000 word academic essay (word count excludes figure legends and references), which should normally include sections of background, introduction, methods, results, discussion and conclusion. This structure is suggestive.’ Thank you so much in advance.

Consumer Genetic Testing

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