Testing attentional bias using the Navon Task
Testing attentional bias using the Navon Task
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Testing attentional bias through the use of the Navon Task in those with high vs low AQ traits: An EyeTracking Study
Where will the proposed research take place?
The research shall take place in the psychology computer labs in the University of the West of Scotland’s Paisley Campus, on a yet to be determined time and date.
How will the costs of the study be met?
The necessary equipment and resources are being provided by the university psychology department, as the necessary equipment and space necessary for the study will be provided.
Please explain/justify your intended sample size:
The 50-60 person sample size of the study is meant to be similar to previous studies looking into pattern recognition and global/local processing studies performed with Autistic participants.
Please explain how you will analyse, present/disseminate the data you intend to collect:
The data that will be gathered will be analyzed by a mixed ANOVA with a between subjects factor of group (high AQ and low AQ) and a within subject factor of stimuli (local v global) will be used to analyse differences in RT accuracy, time to first fixate and AOI. The data will be written up for dissemination in an undergraduate dissertation.
Please provide details below and how you propose to deal with such issues:
Testing attentional bias using the Navon Task
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Although the use of the AQ is measuring traits within the general population, people may recognise aspects relating to autism. Participants will be reminded that the AQ is not a diagnostic tool and if they are at all concerned about their score, they should contact their GP. Support groups will also be listed in the Debrief.
Please provide details of how you will recruit participants to your study
Potential participants will be approached in a variety of means, such as though university related services, such as emails, union boards or even just posters around the university. Also, we will be reaching out to our second year (L8) psychology students as part of their course requirement. Will we also email module coordinators across the University to ask them to put notices up and possibly speak to students at the beginning of lectures.
Please provide details of other groups
Testing attentional bias through the use of the Navon Task
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This study aims to evaluate the response of Individuals who have a high level of AQ Traits when compared to low AQ traits. This is population sample was selected meant to act a means of security, ensuring that my inexperience as a researcher does not result in any harm coming onto those who have been diagnosed with an Autism spectrum disorder.
Are there any special pressures which would make it difficult for potential participants to refuse to take part in your study? (e.g., relationship to the investigator?)
The participants in this study cannot be clinically diagnosed with Autism or any other mental issues, due to the inexperience that the undergrad students have in dealing with vulnerable individuals.
What is the expected duration of participation in the study for each participant?
The Duration of each participants’ time involved in the study will be limited to an half an hour the most.
Please provide details of how you will obtain this consent and the information you will provide to potential participants to allow them to make an informed choice about whether or not to participate in your research.
Participants will be given full information about the task and procedure in a participant information sheet before they decide to take part in the study. They will complete a participant consent form in which they have to sign before taking part.