Module Handbook for Adult Clinical Supervision


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Module Handbook for Adult Clinical Supervision and Professional Development 3

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Module code: U12077

Who is the module for? This module is a compulsory module for third year students on the BSc (Hons) Nursing

Module aims The aim of the module is to facilitate student groups to have reflective and reflexive conversations that enable them to link their practice experiences to theory and contemporary evidence-based practice and to promote and professional development of the students in preparation for becoming a registered nurse and gaining employment.

Brief module description/summary: Students will explore the philosophical perspectives of research approaches, consider a range of research methodologies, the important role of governance, ethical practises and the contribution of evidence to inform nursing practice. They will continue to develop the skills of critical reflection and writing and further advance their information retrieval skills evaluating sources of knowledge, contextualising the difference between information, opinion and research-based knowledge. They will recognise the contribution of evidence in identifying the need for changes in service delivery and its role in innovatory practice to the benefit of service users and their families whilst acknowledging and appreciating the impact that may result from a financial and physical resource perspective. An appreciation of budgetary management and business planning therefore will also be embraced within the module.

Module learning outcomes By the end of this module students should be able to:

  1. Demonstrate a critical awareness of the professional and leadership relevance of group clinical supervision.
  2. Identify and critically discuss the importance of Adult Group Clinical Supervision and relate these to promoting and developing professional resilience in care provision.
  3. Analyse aspects of their own learning and developing ability to reflect and be reflexive through the process of group clinical supervision.
  4. Critically evaluate own personal and professional development, and articulate their suitability for employment as a Registered Adult Nurse

Overview of learning and teaching activities on the module:

The module allows students the opportunity to reflect on practice experiences, both individually and within small groups, as a means of evaluating professional development and service delivery. The principles of prioritise people, practice effectively, preserve safety and promote professionalism and trust (NMC Code 2018), will be used to enable the student to contemplate practice experiences alongside these values and to prepare them for the standards expected of a registered professional.

Module Handbook for Adult Clinical Supervision and Professional Development 3

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Students will be required to discuss their placement experiences and reflect on their examples in an increasingly sophisticated and analytical way over the duration of the programme. Each student and each group will have opportunities to discuss practice relationships and interventions, in order to increase their knowledge, self-awareness, reflexivity, group skills, team working, and an appreciation of roles and responsibilities.  In addition to reflection and affording opportunities for reflexivity, students will be encouraged to explore contextual themes such as: group dynamics; professionalism and clinical decision making; developing emotional resilience and cultural competency.

Students will be allocated into programme clinical supervision groups, (approx. 8 -12 students from within their specific programme) and remain in the group for the duration of the module. The clinical supervision sessions will last between 90-120 minutes and will take place in the University. The facilitator (lecturer) will encourage all students to offer hypotheses on the practice experiences under discussion, creating multiple perspectives and a deeper understanding of practice and their performance.

Module Tutorial sessions will run in addition to, and complement the clinical supervision groups over the course of the academic year. At the start of the year there will be a period of academic development which will help prepare the students for studying at level 6 which will include critical thinking and analysis.

Personal Development Planning will be considered including enhanced skills, attainment of new skills, role advancement, and career progression linked to gaining future employment and establishing a framework for life-long learning as a registered nurse.

Indicative schedule of delivery: A conference style presentation (15 minutes duration) of an action plan based upon the topic identified for the Critical Review of Practice module, which considers their motivation for choice of topic and the potential personal, professional and organisational impact. The presentation will include at least one slide reflecting upon their development as a practitioner through the clinical supervision process (4000 words equivalent) (100% of module, 100% of grade.

Guidance on how to use independent study time: Please ensure that you undertake all the pre session activities that are set, undertake additional reading and utilise the resources set out on Blackboard.  For the clinical supervision sessions prepare an outline of (a) significant clinical situation(s) to share with your group, considering how these might relate to the module leaning outcomes Additional guidance will be provided within facilitated online sessions related to specific student requirements.

Referencing system: Please refer to your student handbook. CCCU Harvard refencing style is used.


Summative assessment

Type % weighting

Deadline for submission of work and where assignment should be submitted

Module Handbook for Adult Clinical Supervision and Professional Development 3

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Date for return of mark/grade and feedback and where they will be returned

Minimum pass mark for assessment task(s)

  1. Conference style presentation (Narrated PowerPoint)

100 %    Wednesday 15th January 2025 via

Gradebook in Blackboard, 2pm deadline 5th February 2025 2pm 40%

It is important that you meet your assessment deadline to help manage your workload and ensure your timely progression to your next level of study. However, we understand that in exceptional cases you may be unable to submit your work on time or do well in your exams due to unexpected events which are short-term in nature and beyond your control. Find out more about what to do in situations such as these here.

A coursework extension or a chance to re-take your exam is not an automatic right; and to ensure fairness and transparency, exceptional circumstances requests will only be approved if they meet the criteria, are submitted on time and – where relevant – include appropriate professional evidence.

Assessment brief/s:

A conference style presentation (15 minutes duration) of an action plan based upon the topic identified for the Critical Review of Practice module, which considers their motivation for choice of topic and the potential personal, professional and organisational impact. The presentation will include at least one slide reflecting upon their development as a practitioner through the clinical supervision process (4000 words equivalent) (100% of module, 100% of grade)

Specific Guidance:

  • Produce a narrated power-point of no more than 15 minutes based upon the topic you will be exploring for the Critical Review of Practice (CRoP) module, using the CRoP action plan to structure this presentation.


  • Clearly identify your topic and working title.

Problem/Issue Statement:

  • Explain why it is significant to
  • - current healthcare generally and
  • - adult nursing specifically
  • Outline any initial (pre-literature search) thoughts/opinions on the topic


  • Explore why you have chosen this topic consider here
  • - any personal engagement or experience with the topic?
  • - Does this relate to a potential area of future working/ employment?


  • Are you hoping to find evidence for a particular view/outcome/strategy in relation to the topic ? OR
  • Is your study an open enquiry and you have no preference for what the outcome might be?

    Module Handbook for Adult Clinical Supervision and Professional Development 3

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Either is acceptable

Literature Search Strategy:

  • Identify key search terms words and show how these link to your topic (PICO).
  • Explain your choice of databases

Anticipated Impact:

  • Personally e.g. more understanding of a health care issue which has affected you on a personal level.
  • Professionally e.g. an opportunity to develop more expertise in relation to a specialism you wish to work in.
  • Organisationally e.g. provision of evidence in relation to a change in practice you would like to see adopted.
  • Consider any sustainability aspects which might arise in these three categories.


  • Identify any barriers you have encountered in relation to this study and how you have (or intend to) overcome them

Preliminary Findings:

  • Indicate any early findings and relate these to the sections above.


  • A reflection on the role of GCS upon your development as a future healthcare practitioner.

Formative Submission:

Date: Tuesday 3rd December 2024 via Gradebook 14:00

  • For your draft submission (please submit a 5 minute narrated PowerPoint which based on your response to the motivation section (above).
  • Guidance for producing and submitting the Narrated PowerPoint can be found in the assessment section of this module’s Blackboard

Additional Assessment information will be under the Assessments tab on Blackboard

  • AI is not permitted to narrate your PowerPoint, this must be original work. Assistive reading technology is not permitted to Narrate the PowerPoint.
  • Please indicate to the module tutor if you have an LSP for reasonable adjustments for the assignment.

The Assignment will not be anonymously marked as you are recognisable via the assignment due to the narrated PowerPoint, module tutors will grade their own classes submissions.

Reassessment information:

Some students may not pass an assessment first time and will be invited to take reassessment for the module, following a decision from a Board of Examiners. Do check the Your Guide to Assessment and Award Processes and seek advice from your Personal Academic Tutor if this is the case for you. Your module team will offer support in preparation for your reassessment.

In this case, the nature of the reassessment will be:

Original assessment

Reassessment type

Deadline for submission of reassessment, and where it should be submitted

  1. Conference style presentation (Narrated PowerPoint) 1. Conference style presentation (Narrated PowerPoint) Week 52, Tuesday 22nd July, 14:00

This handbook should be read in conjunction with other sources:

  • Student Course Handbook: for course academic information applying to all modules
  • Current Student Webpages: for generic student experience information

Learning Materials/Resources:

  • Essential Resources:

self-directed learning in relation to academic/graduate skills focusing on

  • Critical thinking skills;
  • Writing skills;
  • Referencing and understanding plagiarism;
  • Group work and presentations;
  • Projects, dissertations and reports;
  • Employability and personal development;
  • Time management.


Module Handbook for Adult Clinical Supervision and Professional Development 3

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Cutcliffe JR., Butterworth T and Proctor B (2001) Fundamental Themes in Clinical Supervision  London: Routledge.

Chrzastowski S.K. (2011) A Narrative perspective on genograms: revisiting classical Family Therapy methods Clinical Child Psychology and Psychotherapy. 16(4) 635-644.

De Haan E., (2012) Supervision in Action – A Relational Approach to Coaching and Consulting Supervision Berkshire: Open University Press

Ghaye, T, and Lillyman, S. (2010) Reflection: Principles and Practices for Healthcare Professionals. London: MA Healthcare Ltd

Hargaden H. (Ed.) (2016) The Art of Relational Supervision – Clinical Implications of the Use of Self in Group Supervision. London: Routledge.

Hawkins P. and Shohet R. (2012) Supervision in the Helping Professions 4th edition Berkshire: Open University Press.

Holland K. (2016) Cultural Awareness in Nursing and Health Care – An Introductory Text 3rd Edition London: Routledge

Obholzer A., Roberts V.Z. (2019) The Unconscious at Work – A Tavistock Approach to Making Sense of Organizational Life. 2nd Edition. London: Routledge.

Scairfe J. (2019) Supervision in Clinical Practice – A Practitioner’s Guide 3rd Edition. London: Routledge

Sellman D. and Snelling P. (2017) Becoming a Nurse: Fundamentals of Professional Practice for Nursing 2nd Edition. London: Routledge

Sharples, K. (2009) Learning to Learn in Nursing Practice. Exeter: Learning matters ltd (Available as an ebook)

Thompson, S. and Thompson, N. (2008) The Critically Reflective Practitioner. Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan. (Available as an ebook)



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