An Analysis of the Perception of Profile Attractiveness


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An Analysis of the Perception of Profile Attractiveness: a study using silhouettes

1.0 Introduction

Aesthetic improvement is one of the main reasons why patients seek orthodontic treatment and, therefore, it is one of the fundamental objectives of orthodontic treatment. Due to the subjective nature of what constitutes tooth aesthetics, orthodontists often face challenges when trying to generate a treatment plan that fulfills patient expectations, whilst, at the same time, meeting certain medical objectives.

A Class II Skeletal Pattern is a commonly observed malocclusion, seen in nearly quarter the people who seek orthodontic treatment. Studies from different areas in the world have shown the prevalence of class II malocclusion to range from 22% to 38% of the general population (Martins & Lima , 2009; Sharma 2009; Dimberget al, 2010; Celikoglu et al, 2010). It is characterised by two profile-influencing features: an increased protrusion of the upper incisors, which accounts for 23% (Dimberget al, 2010) and can be seen as high as 50% in some populations (Martins & Lima 2010). Furthermore, McNamara et al 1996 stated that 8% to 10% of the overall orthodontic population having an
overjet larger than 6 mm. The second feature is the retruded mandibular position in relation to the cranial base in 60% of cases (McNamara et al 1996). Both elements make up the characteristic convex profile of patients with this type of malocclusion. Different treatment options can be offered, which are driven by both patient choice, and by orthodontist opinion. Considerations made by the orthodontist regarding a patient’s treatment will include: the age of
the patient, the cost, severity of malocclusion, and profile characteristics. When deciding upon a treatment option with the patient, the orthodontist will have to consider the appearance of the patient’s facial profile, and decide what type of functional appliance will be used in order to correct a retrognathic facial profile in order to obtain a straight profile.

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