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Chapter 3. Research Methodology


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Chapter 3. Research Methodology

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The proposed study will be used to determine How Adidas Group attracts younger consumers to increase its market share in the global sportswear industry. The dissertation will evaluate 500 sports fan from across the globe. Discussion groups will be employed with the aim of exploring the marketing techniques used by Adidas in order to learn how it attracts the youth audience to increase its share of the market.  The study will use a convenience sample of sports fans.
3.1 Hypotheses
The null and alternative hypotheses will be presented in this study, along with one assumption that the study intends to answer in a comprehensive manner.
Hypothesis 1: Addidas Group Promotions does not attract youth audience in an attempt to increase the market share
Hypothesis 2: Addidas Group Promotions draws youth audience in an attempt to increase the market share
3.2. Research Design

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The proposed mixed method study includes a cross-sectional survey design where a sample of 500 sports fans will take part in a self-administered questionnaire. The only data to be included in the study will come from respondents who represent the global fan base of Addidas. The use of the questionnaire will be supplemented with an open-ended section to gain a narrative response by the participants on their thoughts as well as the statistical data obtained through the quantitative methodology employed.
3.3 Sampling.
Sampling is an important step in the research process, particularly in quantitative studies, whose findings can be severely compromised by sampling inadequacies (Polit and Beck 2006). Sampling presents several approaches that enable the scholar to minimize the data required. Sampling also enables the researcher in saving time, especially when it comes to meeting deadlines. The important aspect is choosing the suitable sampling technique. In this case, the most appropriate sampling method is convenience method. Additionally, convenient sampling technique indicates that there is no assurance of including samples since there is no restriction rather it is about justifying the entire population. Therefore, convenience sampling is performed until it fulfills the required number or sample size.

Chapter 3. Research Methodology

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Convenience sampling is a form of the non-probability sampling method.  In addition, convenience sampling involves choosing the sample for inclusion that is easy to access. In this case, the sample is selected from the entire population till the researcher reaches the required number. For instance, 500 sports fans from across the globe will be invited to take part in the study to the required sample is met. Because the objective of convenience sampling is easy to access, the researcher will adopt the questionnaire approach.
Different scholars (Bryman & Bell 2003) have demonstrated that convenient sampling involves gathering information from people based on the aspect of accessibility. Indeed, convenient sampling is widely used particularly during exploratory stages of the study to allow the scholar to gather essential data regarding research questions effectively as well as quickly (Sekaran 2003). Convenient sampling is a method of stratified sampling where the selection is not based on randomization Convenience sampling.    Convenience sampling would be the best way to go in this study because it is easy to perform in terms of time, cost, and accessing participants. This allows the researcher to meet the required sample size faster as well as an inexpensive manner.  It also helps the researcher to collect relevant information that cannot be obtained by other sampling techniques that require official access to population lists. Nevertheless, convenience sampling can result to under orover representation of a given population, this is because sampling frame is unknown. This undermines the researcher’s ability to makegeneralization based on the sample size of the population under study.

Chapter 3. Research Methodology

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3.3.1 Sample Selection
A sample of participants will be selected randomly from across the globe. The participants will include 500 sports fans from around the globe.
3.4. Nature of the Data
3.4.1 Instrumentation.
The proposed study includes a researcher created survey that purports to measure the hypothesis and answers the research questions posed. The researcher will seek the input of experts, knowledgeable in the consumer behavior with respect to sports. These consumer behavior experts will be asked to offer suggestions on survey items, instructions, rating scale, demographic, and background information of respondents to be included in the final survey instrument.
3.5. Data Collection Procedure
The researcher will collect the data using self-administered questionnaires, which will make it is easier for the researcher to gather feedback from sports fans on a global scale. The sports fans, will, therefore, decide whether or not to take part n the study. Those that oblige to participate in the study will answer all the items of the survey before submitting the completed version to the researcher. Should some of the prospective respondents decide not to participate in the study or change their mind about joining midway through the items, they will have the option of exiting the survey? Their responses will not be recorded in any way, shape or form in the researcher’s database. The respondent who does decide to participate in the study, and would like to be informed of the study’s findings. All the data will be analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) program.    Thus, the use of this approach is considered suitable to facilitate the achievement of the study’s aims and objectives. A self-completing questionnaire was/is considered to be very convenient for participants in terms of completing the questionnaire when they want.
3.6. Methods of Data Analysis

Chapter 3. Research Methodology

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Collected data will be entered into SPSS version 20 in order to perform the analysis using descriptive and inferential statistics. The study will include the demographic information utilizing descriptive statistics with the various measures of percentages, means, frequency distributions, central tendency and dispersion. Continuous and discrete variables will be examined using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), t-tests, and correlation matrices. P-values < 0.05 will be deemed statistically significant
3.7. Statement of Limitations
There are a number of limitations to this study that need to be addressed.  Initially though, it is pertinent to point out that limitations should not always necessarily be viewed in a negative manner. The literature highlights that limitations are a natural part of the research process and help to ensure that the researcher does not attempt to complete aims or answer research questions that are beyond the scope and reach of the specific study (Baker & Charvat, 2008).                          The limitations include the lack of resources of the researcher. These lack of resources include a low number of research personnel involved in the study, with the primary researcher being the sole member of the group and is in charge of every aspect of the work.  The researcher also does not have a high level of finance for the study.  This means that all participants in the study need to be volunteers, and this can also reduce the number of willing candidates.
3.9. Discussion of Ethical Issues

Chapter 3. Research Methodology

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Minimal ethical concerns will be anticipated for this study. Responses will be elicited from voluntary participants who will have the choice of stopping their participation at any time and exiting the survey. Responses will be kept anonymous, and maintained under lock and key. However, because the subject of the study is a sensitive matter, it is crucial to consider the ethics related to this type of research. The subject is sensitive because it seeks to explore the marketing techniques used by Adidas in order to learn how it attracts the youth audience to increase its share of the market. Therefore, there are a certain number of ethical considerations that need to be highlighted in this study.


Baker, A. & Charvat, B. (2008). Research methods in child welfare. Washington D.C:    Columbia University Press.
Becker, S., Bryman, A. & Ferguson, H. (2012). Understanding research for social         policy and    social work: themes, methods and approaches. New York: the     Policy Press.

Gratton, C. and Jones, I. (2004), “Research Methods for Sport Studies”, Routledge         and Taylor.

Nachmias, F. C. & Nachmias, D. (2000), “Research Methods in the Social Sciences”,     Sixth Edition, Worth Publishers, U.S.A.

Saunders, M., Lewis, P. and Thornhill, A. (2003), “Research Methods for Busines        s Students”, Third     Edition, Prentice-Hall International, New Jersey.

Sekaran, U. (2003), “Research Methods for Business – A skill building approach”,     Fourth    Edition, John     Wiley & Sons, Inc, UK

Chapter 3. Research Methodology

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