Clinical Applications of CT and MR
Clinical Applications of CT and MR
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Assessment Overview
Assessment Details
This assessment is summative and contributes to 100% of the module mark. You have a choice of assessment in this module. You can choose to submit a 3000-word written assignment.
Comparatively evaluate the role of CT and MR in the patient pathway for the hypothetical case study below.
A 45-year-old visually impared female presented to their general practitioner with new right-sided subjective sensory abnormalities. Their general physical and neurological exams were normal. Imaging was completed to reveal a grade two meningioma.
Your assignment should address the following points:
- Introduce the epidemiological finding of the pathology
- Demonstrate an understanding of the significance of the patient symptoms in relation to the given pathology
- Discuss the Importance of prompt imaging
- Provide justification and evidence for the choice of imaging modalities
- Outlines the aim(s) of the comparative evaluation
Main Text 1:
- Discuss the imaging tools for investigation of the pathology including appropriate imaging techniques.
- Compare the benefits and limitations of the imaging modalities used in the definitive diagnosis and/or staging of the pathology – sensitivity and specificity values should be cited to support discussion to conclude the best imaging modalities for the case study.
- Discuss the use of contrast media.
- Evaluate current working practices and new/additional imaging protocols to include choice of equipment and imaging modalities used
Clinical Applications of CT and MR
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Main text 2
- Discuss the adaptation of technique(s) chosen for a range of patient types and pathologies and any difficulties that may be encountered
- Discuss patient considerations associated with the imaging patient care
- Evaluate the safety of the service provided to include safety considerations.
Main text 3
- understand the accuracy of identification for the normal / anatomical and abnormal / pathological appearances visualised by different imaging modalities
- Differentiate between the appearances of artefact for one imaging modality
- Discuss any possible staging, treatment and follow up imaging
- Summary of findings and discussion
Word Count
The word count for this assessment is 3,000 words essay OR 1500-word equivalent poster
Your word count includes all words and characters that make up the body of your work. This includes any headings, tables, diagrams, quotations and citations. It does not include the title of your work. It does not include reference lists or bibliographies at the end of your work. It also does not include information contained in any appendices.
- All sections of the essay require support using reputable literature (use the reading list to guide you). In-text citations must be evident throughout.
- You must correctly cite and reference the sources that you use throughout the work using the Harvard System.
Marking Criteria
The pass mark for this assessment is 40%. You are required to achieve the minimum pass mark. This assessment contributes to 100% of the overall module mark.
Please find the marking criteria below. They are descriptions, based on the module’s learning outcomes, of the skills, knowledge, or attributes you need to demonstrate in order to complete an assessment successfully. Your feedback will be based on them.
Clinical Applications of CT and MR
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The marking criteria have a proportion of marks allocated to them.
Marking Criteria: | Proportion of marks |
10 marks |
Main Text (1)
30 marks |
Main Text (2)
15 marks |
Main Text (3)
15 marks |
10 marks |
10 marks |
10 marks |
Grade-related Criteria
Please also consult the Grade Related Criteria in the Programme Handbook for descriptions of the level of skills, knowledge, or attributes you need to demonstrate to achieve a certain grade or mark in an assessment.
Submission Requirements
- You must submit your assignment online only via Moodle Dropbox.
- You must submit your work as Microsoft Word files (doc or docx) / Microsoft powerpoint. No other file formats will be accepted.
- Note, draft versions will not be marked, please ensure that you have fully submitted your work using the submit button.
- Please ensure that you include a completed assignment front sheet.
- You must submit the assignment front sheet as a separate document.
- You must submit your work using Arial font type, font size 11 and 1.5 line spacing.
Clinical Applications of CT and MR
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Marking and Moderation Process
This assessment will be marked anonymously. Before marking it will be checked by the Turnitin system to highlight similarity with other sources in its database – this is vast and includes submissions from students from around the world, papers, books, and internet resources. The marker will see areas of overlap highlighted on the submission that they mark and will check that there is no evidence of plagiarism or collusion. Please ensure you follow good academic practice – there are lots of resources online to help (you can start here:
Marking quality is assured through a sampling moderation process – a sample of around 10% of submissions are read by a second academic member of staff (the moderator) and the marks and feedback checked for consistency against the submissions, as well as comparing with previous cohorts and other module marks. Changes may be made to ensure consistency. An external examiner then checks the finalised marks and can suggest changes.
For information relating to marking and moderation please see the Radiography Programme Handbook.
You will receive feedback in the following format:
- In-text highlighting and commenting on specific points of a coursework essay.
- Scores on individual marking criteria given in a rubric.
The date for the release of marks and feedback will be published via the Moodle module.
Most coursework allows students to apply for short extensions and submit one or more weeks after the original deadline.
For information relating to possible sanctions please review the Radiography Programme Handbook.
Please ensure that you follow the guidance about good academic practice, plagiarism prevention and writing appropriately in assignments. This information can be found within the Assessment Regulation 19 and in the Academic Integrity & Misconduct Policy and Guidance.