Community Policing


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Community Policing

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Complete Written Assignment: Create a Community Corrections Recommendation
As a probation officer you are often required to complete Pre-Sentence Investigation (PSI) Reports for the District Court Judge who give a lot of weight to your recommendation for sentencing. Review the case file provided to prepare a written report to be given to the judge, the district attorney and the defense attorney about the offender. Take into consideration the offender’s background, and history of criminal activity.
Case File
In this Assignment, you will write a 4–6 page essay based on the scenario presented. Download the documents listed below for this Assignment. Then write an essay that addresses each of the elements listed below.
Your paper should address the following questions or issues:
1. What specific elements of the defendant’s case qualify him/her for a community-based program?

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2. Discuss the various types of community-based programming options.
3. Identify the different types of community-based sanctions.
4. Explain what type of community-based corrections program you would recommend along with any sanctions; be sure to explain the reasoning behind each of the sanctions recommended.
5. Describe how this defendant’s case should be managed and what level of supervision should be given.
6. In addition to the course materials, use other scholarly resources to support your arguments.

These questions and issues need not be stated verbatim within the paper, but should be addressed as part of the essay.

Your paper format should be as follows:
1. Cover sheet
2. Body of the paper (4–6 pages)
3. All text should be double-spaced and in 12-point font
4. Use a minimum of two additional resources in addition to your textbook

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Unit 2d case File
For the purpose of this assignment you are the probation officer conducting a pre-sentence investigation of a defendant who has already pled guilty to two misdemeanor offenses. Based on the information outlined below you are to write an essay stating your recommendations to the court. The only mandate (for the purpose of this course) is that the defendant’s sentence must involve community-based corrections.
Defendant pled guilty to one count of misdemeanor theft and one count of misdeanor possession of marijuana. Defendant committed a theft of some power tools from the carport of a residence and pawned them. His identity presented to the pawnshop lead to his arrest by police and the defendant confessed to the theft. The property had already been sold by the pawnshop and the victim was unable to deductible was more than the cost of the tools so his insurance did not cover the theft.
The Victim
The victim was a 70 is year old retired male on social security. He was not home at the time of the theft. The victim stated in court that he just wanted his tools returned, as he did not have the money to replace them at this time.
White male 20 years old. He has lived in the same city his entire life. Parents (still married) are both alive and live in the same city as the defendant.
Prior Criminal History
Defendant was arrested and charged with misdemeanor theft (lawnmower) at age 18 and charged with possession of marijuana (misdemeanor amount). Drug charge was dropped, pled guilty to theft. Served 1-year probation. Subject was not on probation at the time of the second offense.
Defendant’s Educational background
Graduated High School in the upper-third of his class. Has some college from the local community college, which was part of the probation agreement from prior charge that he return to school. GPA 2.85 (parents volunteered to pay the tuition.) Interview with some college instructors revealed defendant had potential, but did not apply himself fully.
Defendant’s Employment History

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Defendant has worked mostly part-time jobs since age 16. Jobs include retail sales, construction helper, and moving company. Defendant quit all prior jobs after short time, but was never fired. Defendant currently employed back in construction for approximately 1 ½ years. Employer made statement that the defendant “can be a good worker when he wants to, but has a lazy side and needs to be motivated sometimes.” Defendant currently working 30-40 hours per week.
Defendant’s Financial Status
Defendant’s current salary is $9.60 per hour. Has minimal savings of around $400. Defendant drives an older model Ford truck, which he owns.
Defendant’s Social History and Status
Defendant is sharing an apartment with a friend (22 year old male) who has no criminal record. He lived with his parents prior to moving into this apartment 2 years ago. Defendant has a girlfriend with no criminal record. They have been seeing each other for about 6 months. He has never been married. Defendant has been known to associate with two other males who live approximately five miles from his residence that have criminal records for possession of marijuana and sale of marijuana. One of them has served time in the county jail. Defendant has been known to drink based on interviews, but has never had any alcohol related charges. Defendant seems to have a good relationship with his parents. Defendant has no siblings.

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