Contract Negotiations Scenario 1
Contract Negotiations Scenario 1
Contract Negotiations Scenario 1
Based on this scenario, the Senior Works officer is correct. This is guided by the fact that all contractors should receive the same information about a contract. In addition, a contract must be advertised so as to ensure everything is to the public rather than a favor that can affect the organization or hum (Craver, 2002) adversely. The fact that the Mayor is making everything about the contract clear provides the opportunity for open as well as a competitive market while ensuring that he is out of the lawsuit. Moreover, this allows him to get the contract in not only competitive but also in a fair way, which have selected through exceptional value policy. One the qualified bidder gets the contract; it is of great importance to ensure that price is minimized or maximizing the quality. Unfair rivalry through price fixing is not ethical and influences the efficacy of the market. Organizations that fail to provide quality values get contracts, however, they lose to firms with good prices and high quality. Signals in the market are changed, and ultimately all players are likely to lose. Some of the unethical practices in the contract include; favoritism that is reflected through giving contracts to individuals not because they qualify but merely based extraneous characteristics. Another unethical practice is nepotism that includes favoring close people in the award of contracts (Shell, 1999). By and large, favoritism and nepotism adversely affect fair and openness in the award of contracts since they emphasize on providing an unwarranted advantage to people that do not qualify while undermining the purpose of the contract. Awarding a person a contract due to familiarity as opposed to skill or competence may lead to poor quality service delivery.
Shell. G.R (1999). Bargaining for Advantage: Negotiation Strategies for Reasonable People. New York, NY Penguin Books, 1999
Craver CB (2002). The Intelligent Negotiator. Roseville, CA, Prima Lifestyles.