Corporate reputation and social Responsibility of chiquita and Dole
Corporate reputation and social Responsibility of chiquita and Dole
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Chiquita and Dole are big players in the Banana business. However, Chiquta Brands International and Dole Food Company grapple with the issue of reputation. The rationale for comparing and contrasting the operations of these two companies is anchored on the fact the two have dominated the banana and packaged fruits market to too long. Nevertheless, Chiquita Brands International and Dole Food Company have a dirty past of sponsoring terrorism groups from Columbia to evict farmers from their land to pave way for their planting. Thats the height of impunity. Such malpractices have resulted into the deaths of thousands of innocent peasants. Moreover, Chiquita Brands International and Dole Food Company have also been associated with the use of harmful pesticides that threaten the environment especially around the areas these two companies have an interest. While both companies use uncouth means to hire workers from Central America who work under dilapidated conditions and whose rights are plundered at will. However, they have a keen interest on the European market for bigger profits.
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