“Target article” critical analysis
To critically analyse and evaluate the argument of the “target article”
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For this assignment, you need to critically analyse and evaluate the argument of the “target article” you
have chosen. Use the appropriate detailed methods of argument analysis and evaluation that we have
practiced and developed. you should make it as thoughtful, detailed, and well organized as possible. Up
to 1500 words. Undergraduate Level
gnizta (This is the main article that needs to be evaluated
Step V: Checking Your Essay
Use the following checklist:
To critically analyse and evaluate the argument of the “target article”
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i Remember that your finished essay has to be a self-contained analysis and evaluation of the
target article. Write as if for readers who have NOT read the article and who have NOT
studied critical thinking. YOU must tell your readers everything they need to know.
iv For purposes of referencing. you may number the paragraphs in the target essay. If you do
this, include a copy of the numbered article with your essay.
Your essay needs the following parts: Introduction, Analysis, Evaluation, Conclusion.
To critically analyse and evaluate the argument of the “target article”
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0:0 Introduction
In your introduction. identify the author and title of the article. and the publication in which
it appeared. Then specify the core issue with which it deals. Be specific, avoid vagueness.
Indicate whether your overall evaluation is positive, negative, or mixed, and briefly say why.
0:0 Your sections of Analysis (approximately 500 words in total)
Begin by outlining the core thesis and core supporting argument-the main argument.
Next, expand this analysis to incorporate the important subarguments. Make sure your
outline is sufficient Iy specific and detailed to clearly convey the logical flow-how the
arguments were meant to work-to someone who has not read the article.
To critically analyse and evaluate the argument of the “target article”
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A comprehensive analysis is very important, accounting for up to 30% of the mark for this
assignment. So don’t skimp on this step-allow 500 words or more for it. lf you wish. you
can include an Appendix which gives a more detailed analysis and perhaps also a diagram
0:0 Your sections of Evaluation (up to 700 words in total): Use the ARC method.
Your evaluation is based on a specification of the critical thinking strengths and weaknesses
of the target article. Clearly, strengths are factors that enhance the rating the target article
receives on an ARG evaluation (strong evidence, relevant and acceptable premises, etc.).
To critically analyse and evaluate the argument of the “target article”
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Weaknesses are factors that detract from the critical thinking merits of the article
(inadequate evidence, irrelevant or unacceptable premises, fallacies, flawed analogies, etc.).
While they can add value, ‘literary’ merits (e.g. interest, style, etc.) are not the crucial factors.
Please use this book for referencing Trudy Govier, A Practical Study of Argument (Enhanced 7th edition,
2014, or 7th edition, 2010).
Provide ARG evaluations of important subarguments, not just the main argument.
To perform a strong overall evaluation, it is not enough simply to list relevant critical
thinking strengths and weaknesses. Instead, you need to ensure that you have identified the
most significant strengths and weaknesses in terms of their impact on the main
To critically analyse and evaluate the argument of the “target article”
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Factors that affect key premises will have more impact than those that do not.
Accordingly, you should explain the most significant strengths and weaknesses in their
order of importance, beginning with those that have the greatest overall impact. You need
to relate these to the segments of the target argument on which they have a direct impact.
and explain how the)r strengthen or weaken it.
0:0 Conclusion
Reiterate your overall evaluation as positive, negative, or mired. and briefly outline how this
assessment follows from the balance of strengths and weakness you have identified.
so References
Don’t forget to provide a References list-even if the “target article” is the only entry. Give
details of: Author’s Name; Article Title; Name of Publication/Publisher; Date of Publication.
May be include at least 2. Should be according to Swinburne referencing style.