Dynamics of child labour in the Dominican Republic. 2009-2010.


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Dynamics of child labour in the Dominican Republic. 2009-2010.

Use the data provided in the SPSS files.
Use SPSS for graphs and calculations, and present your output in the final report.
Type report in Microsoft Word. Font size: 12pt. Line spacing: 1.5.
Include a cover page with: title (Assignment 1), your name, student ID number, course code, declaration that work is your own + signature, and date.
Print assignment 2 pages/sheet and on both sides if possible.
Staple pages together on top left-hand corner.
Put assignments in assignments box just beside the School of Mathematics front desk window.
See college calendar regarding late submission of coursework for ST2012 – NO late assignments accepted for this subject: 0 marks after due date.

Section 2 – Report (90%)
This assignment focuses on child labour in the Dominican Republic.
There is one SPSS file: Asm1.sav

Source: Dynamics of child labour in the Dominican Republic. 2009-2010. International Programme on the Elimination of Child Labour.
Available online:


The text below has been taken from the following report: International Labour Organization and the National Statistics Office of the Dominican Republic (2011) Dynamics of child labor in the Dominican Republic.
Available online (Spanish):


The National Child Labour Survey was conducted through a partnership between the National Statistics Office (NSO) of the Dominican Republic, United Nations Fund for Children (UNICEF), and the International Programme on the elimination of Child Labour (IPEC) /International Labour Organization (ILO).

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Dynamics of child labour in the Dominican Republic. 2009-2010.


This survey was conducted over five weeks between late 2009 and early 2010.

The study population consisted of children and adolescents aged 5 to 17 years of age and their families.

The survey consists of a questionnaire divided into four modules. Information is collected about dwelling characteristics and household members, the characteristics of women 12 to 49 years, the characteristics of children and adolescents aged 0 to 17 years old, and information that would establish the characteristics associated with the employment status of children and adolescents from 5 to 17 years.

The central purpose of the household questionnaire was to collect information on the main demographic and socio-economic characteristics of the households. The child labour questionnaire covered topics such as economic activities of children and health and safety related to work. The purpose of the survey on child labour was to generate a set of up-to-date indicators on the employment status of children and adolescents to serve as a framework for the design of public policies for prevention and eradication of this social problem, especially in its worst forms.

The sampling frame corresponded to the sampling frame used in the National Household Income and Expenditure Survey (ENlGH 2007), in which a two-stage sample selection process was used. However, for the urban area or Metropolitan Region Ozama, a three-stage sample selection process was used.

A sample of 716 primary sampling units (PSUs). The research was conducted on the basis of a sample of 10,024 households selected at random.

Four stratas were considered in the sampling design.

The target population consists of households residing in collective dwellings throughout the territory of the Dominican Republic. The child labour module was applied to all those aged 5-17 years. The child labour questions of the questionnaire were answered by the child or adolescent.

The survey was conducted using face-to-face interviews (by 60 interviewers) Each team consisted of a supervisor and four interviewers.

The data that you are analysing is from the individual survey of 5-17 year-olds (n = 8,540 fully completed interviews out of a total of 9,119 scheduled interviews). The response rate was 93.7%.

Children and adolescents engaged in economic output are those engaged in any activity for at least one hour during the reference period. In the case of this survey, the reference period corresponds to the last seven days at the time of the interview.

The minimum age for employment in the Dominican Republic is 14 years. The provision of domestic services in private households, paid or not, for the purposes of measuring child labour statistics, is included in the accounts of those engaged in economic production.

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Dynamics of child labour in the Dominican Republic. 2009-2010.

The ILO Convention No. 182 on the Worst Forms of Child Labour and Immediate Action for the Elimination, Article 3, paragraph “d” describes what is meant by hazardous child labour, in effect, means as such “any activity or occupation that, by its nature or the circumstances in which it is carried out, is likely to harm the health, safety or morals of children.”

Under ‘Resolution on dangerous and unhealthy’ the Minister of Labour of the Dominican Republic, the following are considered as such when performed by people under 18 years: work long hours or at night, work involving exposure to physical abuse, psychological or sexual abuse, the work done underground, under water, at dangerous heights, involve heavy loads and work in an unhealthy environment (noise, substances harmful to health, etc. . ).

In 2009, the Dominican Republic had an estimated population of 9.6 million.

(a) Generate output in SPSS (as indicated on Page 5) and copy the relevant output to a word document for the results section of your report.
(b) Write a short report about child labour in the Dominican Republic, based on your SPSS output (guide 1,000 words).
The report must be divided into the following sections:
Description of Sample
Describe area of residence and wealth quintiles of the sample.
Describe Age in Years (mean and standard deviation).

Describe the age at which the sample started work (mean, standard deviation, min, max and frequencies). What percentage of working children began work before the age of 14 years?
Calculate descriptive statistics for the mean age at which working children started work by area of residence (min, max, mean, standard deviation and quartiles)? Draw box plots comparing the age children started working by area of residence.
What proportion of the sample worked in the last 7 days? Draw a clustered bar chart to show how this differs by wealth quintile.
Draw a simple bar chart to show the location of the working children’s main job.
Draw a clustered bar chart to show the location of their main job by age category (ages 5-13 and 14-17)*.
Draw a pie chart to show why the children and adolescents work.
In relation to school, when do the working children mostly work? What percentage of children work at night?
Draw a scatter diagram to show the relationship between how much money the children and adolescents were paid last time and how many hours in total they spent selling food on Sunday.
What do the children and adolescents usually do with the money they earn and how do they spend the money they keep?
What proportion of the sample are exposed to dangerous/unhealthy working conditions?*
What proportion of the sample said that they are very happy at work?

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Dynamics of child labour in the Dominican Republic. 2009-2010.

*Requires the creation of a new variable.

List of relevant variables in Asm1.sav
Area of residence (hzona)
Wealth quintiles (wlthind5)
Age in Years (p501)
Age first worked (p525)
worked in the last 7 days (p503)
Where was your main job? (p509)
Why work (p526)
The work is mainly carried out … (p523)
Schedule of work performed (p522)
How much paid for the last time (p512)
Hours in total: selling food Sunday (p504a1b)
What do they usually do with the money they earn (p520)
How do you spend the money you keep (p521)
Wellness at work (p527)
p535a, p535b, p535c, p535d, , p535e, p535f, p535g, p535h, p535i, p535j, p535k, p535l, p535m, p535n, p535o, p535p, p535q, p535r, p535s, p535x

Use patterns in the pie chart and in at least one clustered bar chart

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