Ethics in Justice Administration


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Ethics in Justice Administration

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Ethics is a branch of philosophy concerned with the study of questions
of right and wrong, and how humans should live. Ethics incorporates
making moral judgments on what is right or wrong, good or bad. Ethics
provide ways on how to make right choices in case of dilemmas involving
moral issues (Felkenes, 1987). The incorporation of ethics in the
justice system reveals that there are challenges in the departments that
serve people with law. Professionals such as police officers, judges,
magistrates and others, who take part in the administration of justice,
will require ethics in order to conduct themselves in a proper way
(Singer, 2004). In addition, in prescribing the levels of conduct, gives
these professionals a chance to make decisions is situations of
uncertainties. Although some scholars express the challenge in creating
a single standard because of different societies, the set of ethical
standards apply across all societies.

Ethics in Justice Administration

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Ethics increase the probability that people will behave in expected
ways. The professionals involved in justice administration do this
partially by focusing on characters of their actions. In addition,
ethical codes will help justice administration professionals in doing
the right things for the correct motives (Singer, 2004). Far from
justice administration, ethical deeds allow administrators and elected
representatives’ test their actions against expected standards. Law
enforcement professionals have an obligation in the administration of
justice. They have a responsibility to portray and maintain the ethical
codes of a given justice and police department
<> (Felkenes,
1987). However, the public perceives police officers unethical because
of the compromise on their morals. Law enforcement is a critical aspect
in endeavors for effective justice administration (Kopko, 2011). For
instance, law enforcement
<> officers in the
criminal justice system struggle with ethical issues. Police officers
face new issues daily, and it is up to that officer to handle the issue

Ethics in Justice Administration

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Many organizations attempt to address the public’s concerns to increase
professionalism and verify changes necessary for quality law
enforcement. Because of these concerns, members of the Justice
Administration proposed that efficient policing greatly relies on the
education requirements for its law enforcement officers. Therefore, this
called for global requirement of a four-year degree. In addition, the
justice administration established law enforcement standards, training
and required morally upright officers (Carter and Wilson, 2006). In
addition, the criminal justice administration established police
standards; however, the organization had the responsibility to remove
certification of unethical law enforcement officers. For the commission
to avoid hiring unethical officers, a background research qualified
officers for hiring. The background investigation concluded the hiring
process for most departments because it forecasts an employee’s future
behavior (Carter and Wilson, 2006).

Ethics in Justice Administration

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Literature Review

There are several academic studies and publications on the issue of
ethics in justice administration, in general, police ethics. Some of
these early studies are mainly field researches conducted by scholars in
collaboration with justice administrators such as police practitioners
in several countries of the globe. Other prior researchers made
investigations based on publications in the area of police occupational
socialization, law enforcement ethics and associated fields. In
reviewing previous studies, in the field of police ethics, some police
organizations have developed code of ethics for their members (Carter
and Wilson, 2006). The main aim of the code of ethics established is to
help in managing these police officers guided by a set standard of work.
In addition, the code of ethics established by these police officials is
a step against corruption.

In addition, other studies suggest that fostering ethical policing is a
global challenge. Ethical policing should protect the dignity of
despised people; however, some police departments ignore human dimension
by focusing on what they do instead of focusing on how they perform
their duties. Another study suggests that police officials impose
ethical standards and efficient policing through policy proscription and
punishment. However, this approach has several challenges such as police
actions are unreviewable. In order to impose ethical standards to lower
ranking police officers, frontline law enforcers, officials and justice
administrators should embrace ethics (Carter and Wilson, 2006).

Christian worldview

The actual definition of “Christian Worldview” varies but breaking down
the word makes it easy to understand its meaning. A worldview represents
the perception of an individual’s views of the world. Another suggested
definition is an internal belief system about the factual world, what it
is, why it is the way it is and how it operates. However, “worldview,”
is not a specific list of beliefs but rather, it is the orientation of
the heart. A person’s worldview represents the sum of feelings, beliefs,
and memories, knowledge and experiences used to explain events and make
decisions (Kopko, 2011). An officer’s worldview will influence the way
one handles ethical dilemmas
<> in their line
of duty. People are able to disguise into another’s worldview; however,
ethics involves one’s honor revealed in their actions when no one else
is present.

Ethics in Justice Administration

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A Christian worldview belongs to people seeking to live like Christ.
Therefore, for such a person, they should maintain a biblical worldview,
which is to have the qualities or rather a mind of Christ (Autio, 2005).
In addition, such people who claim to have a Christian worldview, should
show consistency with their claim and act accordingly. Although a
Christian worldview does not automatically prevent ethical challenges,
people with Christian worldviews are not prone to giving in into
unethical decisions in dilemmas (Kopko, 2011). For instance, in Romans
12: 2 Paul states: “Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this
world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be
able to assess and accept what God’s will is (NIV).” I addition,
Colossians 2:8 says: “See to it that no one takes you captive through
deep and deceptive idea, which depends on human tradition and the
fundamental principles of this world rather than on Christ (NIV).”
The verses from the scriptures emphasize the significance of staying in
God’s will. In addition, they warn Christians of the danger of falling
into a “deceptive philosophy” that the world tries to impose on Christ
believers. It is simple for Christian officers to obey the scriptures,
but many challenges may cause them to stumble (DeWitt, 2007). However,
if a Christian police officer maintains their Christian faith in the
face of dilemmas, they will have an easy time in their decision making.
The law enforcement profession comes with circumstances that challenge
police officers. For instance, a police officer searching a room may
spot cash in one of the drawers. The officer being alone could take the
money, and no one would find out. Officers with a Christian worldview
recognize that stealing is wrong and cannot justify the act because the
money belongs to a drug dealer or a felon.

Sin’s Effect

Some of the ethical dilemmas faced by law enforcement officers are not
new, but not much changed in approaching the dilemmas because of the
sinful nature of man. Since the fall of Adam and Eve in the Garden of
Eden, human beings do not study how to learn because they are born with
the sinful nature. However, human beings know what is right or wrong,
and it is their decision to choose the right or wrong that makes the
difference. In general, police officers have the answer on what to do in
most given cases, and it is their decision that makes the difference. In
the decision making process
<> of an
ethical, officers with Christian worldviews should have an easy time to
solve a situation because the Holy Spirit guides them (Jones and
Carlson, 2004).

A Christian’s Walk in Law Enforcement

In law enforcement, there are times when an officer has to choose
between the ethical codes and the police subculture of dealing with
ethical dilemmas. Ethical dilemmas exist and can challenge any
individual in any profession in every unimaginable ways. Police officers
who pray through a given dilemma, he or she stands a chance compared to
an officer who feels alone in their dilemma. Psalms 46:1 says, “God is
our refuge, an ever-present help in trouble (NIV).” The passage
encourages believers to never forget that God’s omnipotence and how
foolish it is for Christians to rely on themselves through trials
(Kopko, 2011). A Christian walk is challenging and has a lot of
hardships. The temptation to compromise an officer’s faith is a struggle
if the officer is the only Christian within the department.

Morals and Ethics

Police officers are consistently having their ethical stands put to the
test. The officers encounter new issues and the officer has an obligation

Ethics in Justice Administration

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