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Health Pattern Assessment


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Health Pattern Assessment

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Purpose of Assessment
Nursing assessment serves as platform upon which nurses use to gather necessary information to enable them establish patients views while offering appropriate care. Information collected from patients assists nurses in the evaluation of patients’ baseline details, health level, dangers of malfunction or strengths as well as weaknesses as far as illness process is concerned. In addition, the nurse will gather one-sided data from a patient such as head ache. The nurse also collects objective data that is assessed, reassessed in a group of warning signs, comprehensive health history, musculoskeletal assessment, Head to toe assessment, comprehensive home assessment, ADL assessment, falls Risk assessment, neurological and MMSE assessment.

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Neurological assessment and MMSE assessment should be performed to address risk factors including patient’s age, which is 77 years old and declining health condition due to Parkinson’s disease (Aarsland, Perry, Brown, Larsen & Ballard, 2005). ADL assessment and musculoskeletal assessment could be used to his slight tremor in both hands that cause Johann difficulty in ADLs. In terms of social issue, Johann lives alone and does not want to bother his brother, financial issues makes him worried about the future; and medication compliance, potential environment problem, the community nurse should perform comprehensive home assessment. Additionally, head to toe assessment and comprehensive health history assessment should also be used on Johann to discover further health information.
In any case, one-sided details and objective data offer a clear understanding of patients’ opinion. For that reason, it is of great importance todevelop a good relationship between nurse and patients in order to ensure the aspect of trust. A good relationship between nurse and patients increase harmony and increase the basis which allows patients to present accurate information. In other words, nursing assessments can be valid and precise when the nurse obtains information which is not one-sided.

Health Pattern Assessment

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Moreover, the data collected is not just important in physical assessment, but also in establishing the exact care patients requires. In this case, physical assessment of Johann involved collected information related to physical changes suchas  age are that is contributing reduced body composition resulting in reduced muscle strength and reflexes. Therefore, he will have more difficulties in performing PADL’s. Increasing risks of bone fracture and skin tear, due todecrease bone mass and changes in skin composition. Decreased hearing and sighting level can increase risks of fall and isolation. Behaviors of person will change as their brain isageing. Owing to the fact that frontal cortex enables humans to communicate, remember and understand, these aged related changes will bring Johann a number of adverse functional consequences, such asinability of doing normal routine, loss of independence, and also make him anxious of future.

Health Pattern Assessment

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Clinical reasoning can also be utilized to assess Johann’s case. Nurses should be flexible when it comes making decision as well as continuity of health provision. Nurses’ ability to provide quality and safe care significantly depends on their capacity to reason, think and make judgments that is normally limited due to inadequate relevant skills. Clinical reasoning is a multifaceted cognitive procedure, which employs formal and informal reflection approaches to collect and assess patient’s data. This procedure relies on nurses’ ability to use intuitions as well as skills to impact decision making for each patient.  Both skills and experience of nurses is vital element in consolidation of clinical reasoning. Thus newly qualified health care providers may be in position of identifying fewer signs; experience challenges in the identification of intricate diagnosis and may fail to reassess information as regular as knowledgeable providers. This is likely to have adverse impacts on patients in terms of providing type of care they require.
Intuition is an important aspectin nursing, which is commonly used,however it is not yet confirmed scientifically. Intuition is something that nurses develop as time goes by; it’s a gut sense, which is normally accurate particularly among experienced nurses.  For example, a patient complaining of pain in the lower back and given Norco proposes to be given something stronger. In such a scenario the nurse collects both subjective as well as objective data and construe prescription –to someextend based on intuitions. This information is passed to the GP to help in providing the appropriate care for the patient.

Health Pattern Assessment

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Assessment approaches
Currently nursing practice is coupled with various assessment approaches; assuch each nurse has the opportunity of developing their own method. Nevertheless, it’s important to make sure that the approach is reliable to a variety of assessment. Just like it’s important for nurses technique is her skill assessment; while it’s necessary to have an inclusive assessment, it’s important for the nurse to master the skill of quick assessment in reality. In cases where a nursehasto  many patients to see, a nurse mustspentleast time since spending much time assessing a patient is likely to hinder her or him from offering necessary care to other patients. In this case, assessment approach for Johann nursing interventions includes supervising Johann, whether he is still capable to self-administer medication or not.

Health Pattern Assessment

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Assist him with other alternatives if necessary, such as Webster pack, to achieve the best outcome of managing medication. Additionally, planning daily activities and consultation to Johann to minimize his anxiety; encouraging him to participate in daily activities to maintain his independence and self-confidence. Furthermore, making a referral to physiotherapist to assist Johann with range of motion exercises in his muscles flexibility, seeking advises from occupational therapist of home modification, different assistive device which can improve his ADLs such as cooking, making a cup of tea (Williams & Hooper, 2007). Further intervention to build up relationship with social workers can help him with different government programs. Therefore, he can better manage his financial difficulties. These interventions above all could improve the quality of Johann`s life and decrease his anxious of future.                                    Clinical situation and health care provider’s competence could affect clinical reasoning used and its effectiveness. Nevertheless, and individual extensive experience may not be important if they face scenarios they have not been exposed to in the past.  Therefore, effective clinical reasoning takes into consideration existing best practices, patients’ health care needs and performed by a qualified nurse.

Health Pattern Assessment

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