High-Spending Travelers and the Carbon Footprint Mini-Paper


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High-Spending Travelers and the Carbon Footprint Mini-Paper

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In this week’s video “Sustainable Development and the Quest for the Ideal Tourist,” Professor Dwyer discusses the fact that tourists that spend more generally have a greater carbon footprint. In the “Governance and Policy Development” video, Professor Simmons mentions that destinations should perhaps focus on the value of tourists rather than volume of tourists.

Write a newspaper opinion article or blog explaining strategies that destinations can implement to target higher-spending travelers while minimizing the impact of their carbon footprint. Reference this week’s readings and, optionally, additional research.

Your paper should be a 2 page document, double-spaced, in 12-point Times New Roman font. Include an APA reference list.


  • Length: Your paper should be approximately 1–2 pages in length. Points will be deducted for papers that exceed the specified length (see rubric below for more details).
  • Adapted APA: Please adhere to the Style Guidefor headers, spacing (double spaced), and citations. You can also use the Writing Essentials ChecklistLinks to an external site. as a guide for improving your writing.


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High-Spending Travelers and the Carbon Footprint Mini-Paper

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