Influences of Cultural Difference on HRM Practices
Influences of Cultural Difference on HRM Practices
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A: Learning Outcomes
2.Critically assess the various potential methodological and analytical approaches that could be employed in the design of a research project.
3.Apply the methods and skills learnt to conduct an independent research project that provides evidence of an ability to critically evaluate argument/s, analyse data into information, report research findings and to synthesise evidential and theoretical concepts.
4.Provide evidence of critical reflection through reporting of relevant judgements that demonstrate an ability to articulate information, develop ideas and/or propose solutions through the application of autonomous learning.
B: Assessment Task
Influences of Cultural Difference on HRM Practices
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Submit your full management research report presented according to the format laid out in the Structure & Marking Scheme overleaf.
C: Specific Criteria/Guidance
Please see the Structure & Marking Scheme (overleaf) for section weighting and key criteria.
All students’ research reports are marked by their supervisor and by a second marker. Where there is a disparity between these grades a third marker is sought. Following this a sample of scripts is scrutinised by the External Examiner.
D: Key Resources
The set text for this module is:
Saunders, M., Lewis, P. & Thornhill, A. (2016). Research Methods for Business Students (7th ed.) London: Prentice Hall.
Alternative texts and subject specific guides are also available. They include:
Cottrell, S. (2014). Dissertations and project reports: A step by step guide. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
Davies, M. B., & Hughes, N. (2014). Doing a successful research project: Using qualitative or quantitative methods (2nd ed.). Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
Fisher, C., & Buglear, J. (2010). Researching and writing a dissertation: An essential guide for business students (3rd ed.). Harlow: Prentice Hall/Financial Times.
McMillan, K., & Weyers, J. (2014). How to complete a successful research project. New York;Harlow, England;: Pearson.
Each of the textbooks listed other than Cottrell is available as an e-book through the library as well as in hard copy. The Cottrell text is currently available new at £11.99 (correct at 6th September 2019).