International Perspectives
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• Choose one criminal justice jurisdiction and, within a case study of that jurisdiction.
• Critically present the main factors, theoretical or other country’s, that have influenced, positively or negatively, the development of criminal justice in that jurisdiction.
• Identify and critically define the meaning and nature of state crime.
• Using this information and that presented about your chosen jurisdiction, critically present at least one instance of state crime within your chosen jurisdiction which led to the violation of human rights.”
• Choose a country upon which you will base a case study.
International Perspectives
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• Critically discuss patterns of crime and the development of social control in your chosen country. To do this you may need to look at the ‘bigger picture’ and include information about the nature of government using aspects of history and the type of constitution or political influences within the area to provide context.
• Consider how political bias may impact on crime and criminalise certain groups within the country, or how human rights might be adversely affected. This may provide you with an opportunity to explain, (where relevant), how criminologists and criminal justice practitioners have influenced the criminal justice process in your chosen area.
• Explain how international law, (instruments) have influenced (or not) the development of criminal justice in the area.Consider aspects of global policy transfer and hegemony where necessary.
• Look at and define the meaning of State Crime and critically discuss this in relation to your chosen country.
Learning outcomes:
International Perspectives
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1. Critically discuss the patterns of crime and developments of social control from an international perspective incorporating the influence where relevant of criminologists and criminal justice practitioners
2. Summarise the role of international instruments in determining criminal justice policies
3. Identify and critically discuss the meaning and nature of state crime
Please see below the links to the social progress index and the freedom house index that you may want to use in your assessment
Additionally you will find some useful country statistics on the world bank database and human rights watch. Here are the links below