The interpretation of Dreams


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First Class Honors

The interpretation of Dreams

History of Psychology Assignment:
The paper will be no less than 3 pages. Please use a header for each page which has your name, date and figure that you researched. The paper should have a title and each page should be numbered at the bottom.
Students are required to find, at least two/three different sources to cite which can be found in text, internet sites or journals. Students are required to have a works cited page in MLA format style. Students can use, a free website if needed to ensure the correct format is adhered to.

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The paper should include the following:
v why did you choose this person
v who is this person~d.o.b/where is this person from
v how did this figure influence psychology and why
v what are they famous for
v if they have a “theory” describe the theory
v why is this person important for us to know about
v what have you learned in class or within your text that you can link your research with this person (don’t forget to cite your textbook!!!)
This is the person I chose for this essay:

1900 – Sigmund Freud becomes internationally famous with the publication of this book, The interpretation of Dreams. The psychoanalytic perspective is formed. this theory asserts that human behavior is regulated by internal forces in the unconscious mind, especially the unconscious sex drive.


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