King’s International Foundation AECT Module
King’s International Foundation AECT Module
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Summative Written Assignment 2: Critique
For your Summative Written Assignment 2, you will write a 1,500-word critique (+/- 5%).
The summative critique is worth 40% of your overall mark for the AECT module.
A critique is a critical evaluation of an academic article from your field that you have read. It
includes a brief synopsis of the article, as well as your own assessment of the
arguments/method/analysis/conclusions contained within the article in terms of their
strengths and weaknesses, and your own opinion.
You are expected to support your arguments using academic sources. Note that, to be able
to make meaningful evaluative comments on the article, you will need to read about (and
cite) research methodology in the relevant discipline area. Methodology textbooks may be a
useful type of source for such.
Please note that your critique should be aimed at an educated audience with no specialist
knowledge of the subject.
Please refer to the ELC AECT Writing Marking Criteria for details of the language and skills you
need to demonstrate.
The 1,500-word critique will cover the following areas:
• Introduction
King’s International Foundation AECT Module
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• Summary
• Key points in the text for discussion
• Evaluation of key points (strengths/weaknesses of arguments/data presented)
• Recommendation(s)/suggestions for further research and conclusion(s)
Choosing a paper to critique
The paper you choose should be:
✓ from your main field of study
✓ a peer-reviewed academic article / section of an empirical study / chapter of a book
✓ recently published (within last ten/five years)
not a newspaper article
not a magazine article, e.g. the Economist or Time2
not a review of the field/previous studies
not a critique of (an)other article(s)
your critique should not critique the language/organisation of the text
If you are having difficulties deciding, you may wish to consult your AECT tutor and/or relevant
optional module tutor about making a suitable/realistic choice of article or chapter to critique
(for example, in their Feedback & Guidance Hour). Please bear in mind that any advice given
will NOT be doing the evaluation for you.
Submitting the Assignment
King’s International Foundation AECT Module
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• The summative essay must be submitted to Turnitin via KEATS before 14:00 on
Tuesday 7th May 2019 (note that the Monday is a Bank Holiday). Submission after
13:59:59 will be considered a late submission and may result in penalties.
• It must be an MS Word file (not pdf or an Apple file).
• The assignment must include a completed cover sheet. This document can be found
in the Assignments and Submission page on KEATS.
• You can find information on word limits and formatting your essays in the Student
Handbook online.
Guidance on Referencing
• You must acknowledge your sources appropriately, both in your critique and in your
reference list.
• Whilst the Harvard style of referencing is preferred, other referencing styles can be
used if they are used correctly and consistently.
Mitigating Circumstances
• If you are unable to submit your assignments by the deadlines above and you believe
you have a valid reason for this, you must complete a Mitigating Circumstances Form
with the relevant details so that alternative arrangements can be made.
Critique structure
As mentioned, a critique includes the following sections:
• Introduction
King’s International Foundation AECT Module
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• Summary
• Key points in the text for discussion
• Evaluation of key points (strengths/weaknesses of arguments/data presented)
• Recommendation(s)/suggestions for further research and conclusion(s)
There are two possible structures for your critique, as follows:
Evaluation of strengths and
Recommendation(s) and conclusion(s)
Short synopsis
st point – evaluation and your
nd point – evaluation and your
rd point – evaluation and your
Recommendation(s) and final
King’s International Foundation AECT Module
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You will look at these further in your AECT classes.4
Schedule of mini-deadlines and guidance
In order to help you write your critique and manage your time effectively, you must adhere
to the following stages and deadlines:
Stage Week Action Details
1 17
before Term
2 Reading
Inform your AECT tutor of the article you intend
to critique. It is inadvisable to change your mind
after this point, so make sure you choose your
article carefully.
Email full
reference of
article to your
AECT tutor
2 18 5-minute oral summary of chosen article to a
partner + partner questions
Orally, in class
3 19 Tutorial to discuss critique proposal (summary
of chosen article + the strengths and
weaknesses you wish to analyse)
Come prepared
with notes to
your tutorial
4 24 Peer workshop for critique using checklist Bring final critique
draft to class
5 25 Submit final critique (before 14:00 on Tuesday
7th May 2019)
1,500 word