Leading Innovation and change: The Essence of Leadership


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First Class Honors

Leading Innovation and change: The Essence of Leadership
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Essence of Leadership
ASSESSMENT DETAILS Level and Credit rating: Level M, 30 credits

Assessment is by one assignment, a critical essay of 6000 words (100%)
which integrates theory and practice. The assignment must include a
clear structure with an abstract, a bibliography and, where appropriate,
appendices and diagrams. You must make appropriate use of journal
articles and texts.

The assignment is as follows:

1. A literature review of key theories of the nature and exercise of
leadership in organisations (approx. 3,000 words)

2. A summary of the learning you can take from this assignment for your
own practice and development as a leader (approx. 1,500 words)

It is critical that you please read and make use of the following when
writing the essay. Thank you.

Leading Innovation and change: The Essence of Leadership
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The aim of this module is to appraise critically theories of leadership
and how leaders act to influence others directly, and also indirectly,
by influencing organisational systems and structures. The module will
focus on issues of leadership behaviours and skills required to achieve
sustainable success and development for groups and organisations. The
module will include an analysis of the activities of individuals in
leadership roles in an organisation, or organisations, of the
participant’s choice. Participants will be encouraged to use their own
experience of their own leadership role to inform discussions, enquiry
and critical thinking.


By completing this module, you will be able to:

1. Critically evaluate a range of contemporary perspectives on
organisational leadership.
2. Undertake a critical analysis of how selected leaders exercise
influence in organisations.
3. Identify appropriate leadership skills for particular contexts, and
explain how they can be developed.
4. Understand and apply academic standards in written work.

Leading Innovation and change: The Essence of Leadership
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1. Contemporary theories of organisational leadership, including
transformational leadership, authentic leadership, distributed
leadership, ethical leadership, indirect leadership.
2. Models of leadership and motivation.
3. Current concepts of leadership responsibilities, capabilities and
4. Study skills relating to research and written work
Module Schedule (please be sure to touch on the following points)
Unit 1: Introduction
Unit 2: 21st century ideas about leadership
Unit 3: Transformational leadership
Unit 4: Learning to be a better leader
Unit 5: Groups and teams
Unit 6: Emotional intelligence and leadership

Core reading

If you were to buy one book to support your work on this module, we
would recommend:

Leading Innovation and change: The Essence of Leadership
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**Gary Yukl 2014 Leadership in Organizations Prentice Hall

Recommended reading – Please be sure to reference from these sources.
1) Warren Bennis & Burt Nanus 2004 Leaders: Strategies for Taking Charge
Business Press#*
2) Stephen Covey 2004 The 7 habits of highly effective people Hay House#*
3) C Ernst and D Chrobot-Mason 2011 Boundary Spanning Leadership, McGraw
4) Roger Gill 2011 Theory and Practice of Leadership, Sage: London#*
5) D Goleman, R Boyatzis & A McKee 2002 The New Leaders Little, Brown
(also published, in the USA, as Primal Leadership)*
6) A Huczynski and D Buchanan 2010 Organizational Behaviour Pearson
7) J Katzenbach and D Smith 1993 The Wisdom of Teams McGraw Hill#*
8) John Kotter 1990 A Force for Change The Free Press#
9) Peter Northouse 2013 Leadership: Theory and Practice, 5th ed Sage#*

1) Bernard Bass & Ronald Riggio 2006 Transformational Leadership
Erlbaum; London 2nd ed#
2) RM Belbin 2010 Management Teams, 3rd ed Butterworth-Heinemann#
3) David Pardey 2007 Introducing leadership Butterworth-Heinemann#
4) G Yukl & R Lepsinger 2004 Flexible Leadership Jossey Bass#

Leadership Quarterly, Harvard Business Review, Leadership and
Organization Development Journal, Journal of Management Development and
British Journal of Management.

Leading Innovation and change: The Essence of Leadership
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