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Managing High Blood Pressure


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Managing High Blood Pressure

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Topic Statement: While a family member has been suffering from high blood pressure throughout my teenage life, it has not been an easy thing to bear with, especially with a family member that goes through pain. The issue of management comes in handy these days when medical care has gone up tremendously. It becomes important for all of us to take good care of our own health.
Part I:
1. What is High Blood Pressure (Hypertension): this is a common health problem whereby the pressure exerted against the walls of the arteries when the heart pumps, especially when the left ventricle contracts leading to problems like heart diseases.
1. Different types
A. Essential Hypertension: Usually people with essential hypertension have no symptoms, but they may experience frequent headaches, tiredness, dizziness, or nose bleeds. Although the cause is unknown, researchers do know that obesity; smoking, alcohol, diet, and heredity all play a role in essential hypertension.
B. Secondary Hypertension: is an abnormality in the arteries supplying blood to the kidneys. Other causes include airway obstruction during sleep, diseases and tumors of the adrenal glands, hormone abnormalities, thyroid disease, and too much salt or alcohol in the diet.

Managing High Blood Pressure

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C. White Coat Hypertension: comes from the well-studied phenomena that patients may have high blood pressure when taken at their doctor’s office or a clinic but have normal blood pressure when taken at home.
D. Isolated Systolic Hypertension: Blood pressure is recorded in two numbers: The upper, or first, number is the systolic pressure, which is the pressure exerted during the heartbeat; the lower, or second, number is the diastolic pressure, which is the pressure as the heart is resting between beats
E. Labile Hypertension: means blood pressure that change over time: a pretty common occurrence for almost everyone.
F. Malignant Hypertension: occurs when your blood pressure rises extremely quickly. If diastolic pressure goes over 130, one may be at risk of malignant hypertension
2. Statistics of occurrence: Latin women
3. Particular concern for women
1. Long term Effects of high blood pressure
II. Risk Factors
A. Having a family member with this prevalent health condition is hard to cope with. Some of factors affecting this topic include:
1. Poor diet
2. Overweight
3. Too much salt in the food
4. Little exercise or no exercise
5. Ethnic background
6. Stress
7. Heart disease

B. Personal risk factors

Managing High Blood Pressure

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1. Past experience; My maternal grandfather was diagnosed with high blood pressure
2. Family history: My mother has high blood pressure, while my brother is at the secondary high blood pressure stage.
3. Present factors having a poor diet and having too much salt in their body, no exercise and maybe not enough water
III. Diagnosis
A. The doctor conducts a blood pressure test. The test is normally done severally to ensure the authenticity of results. If at all the numbers are high, the doctor may request for more tests on another visit. In case, it’s about 140/90 mmHg or higher, the doctor then diagnoses the patient to have high blood pressure.
B. The doctor will also conduct a physical exam. As part of this exam, the doctor may use a stethoscope to listen to your heart for any abnormal sounds and arteries for a whooshing or swishing sound that may indicate that the artery may be partially blocked.
C. Electrocardiogram: measures the electrical activity. This is a test that uses ultrasound waves to provide pictures of the heart’s valves and chambers so the pumping action of the heart can be studied and measurement of the chambers and wall thickness of the heart can be made.
D. You get diagnosis of colon test and also several blood test to determine what might be the way to diagnose or help
IV. Prevention and/ or treatment methods

Managing High Blood Pressure

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A. Western medical advice/or treatment
1. Eat a healthy diet, including potassium and fiber Fruit
2. Drink plenty of water
3. Exercise for at least 30 minutes of aerobic exercise a day
4. Quit smoking/ limit how much alcohol
5. Limit the amount of salt you eat
6. Reduce stress
7. Healthy body weight
B. Holistic or alternative treatment and approaches
1. Stress management /psychologist
V. Evaluation of Information:
1. How easy/difficult was it to get information
Information is very important to this big issue. Getting information was not difficult since it was easily accessible from good institution such CDC and EBSCO host database.
2. The character of the content was not impartial.

VI. Bibliography:
Span, Paula. “Are Blood Pressure Drugs Worth the Falls?” The New Old Age Are Blood Pressure Drugs Worth the Falls Comments. N.p., 16 Apr. 2014. Web. 09 Feb. 2015.
IIiades, Chris. “Different Types of Hypertension.” EverydayHealth.com. N.p., 18 Nov. 2008. Web. 05 Mar. 2015
Doheny, Kathleen. “High Blood Pressure Common, Often Untreated in U.S. Hispanics: Study.” HealthDay Consumer News Service 13 Mar. 2014: Consumer Health Complete – EBSCOhost. Web. 11 Feb. 2015.
Dinwiddie, Gniesha Y., Ruth E. Zambrana, and Mary A. Garza. “Exploring Risk Factors In Latino Cardiovascular Disease: The Role Of Education, Nativity, And Gender.” American Journal Of Public Health 104.9 (2014): 1742-1750. Consumer Health Complete – EBSCOhost. Web. 11 Feb. 2015.
Youlian, Liao, et al. “Surveillance Of Health Status In Minority Communities — Racial And Ethnic Approaches To Community Health Across The U.S. (REACH U.S.) Risk Factor Survey, United States, 2009.” MMWR Surveillance Summaries 60.SS-6 (2011): 1-41. Consumer Health Complete – EBSCOhost. Web. 11 Feb. 2015.
Part 2- Personal and Political Application

Managing High Blood Pressure

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I. Personal plan
A. Discuss the issue or problem with family
B. Keep a calendar of symptoms of either a minor stroke or heart attack hopefully that might not happen
C. Buy healthier foods and bring snack everywhere you go
D. Manage stress by taking deep breath and taking a walk to clear your mind or talking to a close friend
E. Reward myself every time I do something positive
II.         Evaluation: Have longer my blood pressure and knowing to manage it by eating right
A. What’s working now is to stop what I am doing and just breath in and letting go what is on my mind and also eating healthy will keep my health in good condition
B. All methods of treatment were remarkable.
C. I intent to use all these methods of treatment time and again
D. Have two different type of results short or long terms:
1. Short term I think I want to see myself in better health and shape and maybe my health will be become well. Long term I want to see my health chart over the year has improved.
II. Political Action
B. I would like to see the political class rally behind the enactment of policies that will ensure a lifestyle change for the better. This should include passing legislations that ensure all institutions have healthy lifestyle addressed in their curriculum right from k-school through to college. Such legislation will guarantee compulsory physical activities in schools and health management, which will certainly help alleviate high blood pressure.
III. Conclusion and Future Plans
A. I have learned a lot regarding the management of high blood pressure and how strongly diet is one of the most important things that need to be learned for the patient with this health issue. I also consider knowledgeable as far as management of blood pressure is concerned. As such, if I or family member has high blood pressure I might be able to help them in managing the problem.
B. Make changes for myself to be able to show my daughter and other generation how to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Managing High Blood Pressure

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