Population Focused Interventions in a Sentinel Town


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Population Focused Interventions in a Sentinel Town

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Population Focused Interventions in a Rural Community


Rural communities have unique healthcare challenges due to environmental, cultural, and socioeconomic factors. In Sentinel Town single parents women have limited access to healthcare services. This means that population health approaches should put emphasis on identifying social determinants of health affect single parents in rural communities. The purpose of the essay is to highlight three health issues facing a 43 year old white female in Sentinel Town. The paper will also discuss determinant of health relevant to three issues. It will also present a discussion of how the three health issues in rural areas affect single parents in urban areas. Finally, the essay will provide evidence-based health promotion or disease prevention interventions for the health issues.



Population Focused Interventions in a Sentinel Town

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Description of selected population

The selected population is Sharon Burke a 43 year old white single-parent female that moved in Sentinel town with her 12 year old and 10 year old children.

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