The role of the MHC in female preference for male attractiveness
What is the role of the MHC in female preference for male attractiveness and masculinity in humans
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This paper is a literature review on the evolution of sexual selection
in humans – especially regarding mate choice and the MHC. Limited to
facial and odor studies. Discuss the methods in studies, similarities,
differences, how is heterozygosity and dissimilarity reflected and
measured. Need at least 20 sources, ideally 30 or more. Can use
additional material provided but don’t need to use all if they are
unrelated. Restricted to peer-reviewed academic journals (no review
papers, or textbooks). Can use journals not provided. For MHC
attractiveness, mainly focus on studies by Lie et al 2008, Wu et al
2018, Thornhill et al 2003, Roberts et al 2005, Roberts et al 2005b
Role of the MHC in female preference for male attractiveness
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I. Introduction
a. What is MHC?
b. Sexual selection
c. Aim and outline of review
II. Main hypotheses for genetic basis of female preference for male mates
III. MHC and male masculinity
a. Methodology – how has masculinity been measured?
b. How is MHC heterozygosity reflected in masculinity?
c. Effect of genetic dissimilarity
IV. MHC and male attractiveness
a. Methodology – how has attractiveness been measured?
b. How is MHC heterozygosity reflected in attractiveness?
c. Effect of genetic dissimilarity
V. Conclusion
a. Brief summary
b. Gaps in the literature
i. Limitations
ii. Future research