Science is a force
Science is a force
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Obviously, science should provide the recognition of human significance, where people are informed to understand that embryos are used in stem cell research for purposes that enhance human experiences. However, science does not involve resolving a question instead it put emphasis on informing decisions. Conversely, in modern ethical thinking science is a force, which is informed by wisdom that directs the society.
Science is a force
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Supporters of science are aware of this fact and invest resources to convince the public about their moral good as demonstrated by the public campaign for embryonic stem cell research (Master & Crozier, 57). In this perspective, the moral dilemma is the issue of alleviating suffering and respecting human life. From a traditional perspective, harvesting the cells is ethically unacceptable because embryos are human and hence working to destroy them regardless of their importance in medicine (Levinson 204). As such, the traditional moral thought hampers any advancement in stem cell research.