Primate Sexuality and Social Organization
The Evolution of Primate Sexuality and Social Organization
Order 100% Plagiarism Free Essay Now
Need: Cover page & works cited page (covered by your site)-make sure to
use linked file for specifics on works cited page. Also, 9 pages of
content as paid for in MLA format. Times New Roman 12pt font.
Please refer to linked file as to what needs to be done and what
information needs to be included in the research paper. Topic E: The
Evolution of Primate Sexuality and Social Organization.
Discuss what is asked for using the file. Even when it is asking for
your critique, just provide the critique like if you were a student of
my age. (look at file specifically about what I am talking about). This
is a research paper.
The Evolution of Primate Sexuality and Social Organization
Order 100% Plagiarism Free Essay Now
Please do not copyright or steal material from other papers that are
similar to this one. My professor is really boastful about a system he
has for copyright., especially for this paper..
When discussing the grades of primate evolution (look at file), make
sure to paraphrase sources twice per grade -not discussed in the file.
At least four credible/real professional sources should be used. Please
stay within my level of academia. I specifically chose this site because
of its identity for not copyrighting.
The Evolution of Primate Sexuality and Social Organization
Order 100% Plagiarism Free Essay Now
In the file you will notice that we were supposed to take notes while we
where at the LA zoo. I did, but I was not able to take sufficient notes
appropriate for the paper. After the paper is given to me, I will attach
my notes. Please just provide me for everything else that is asked for
the research paper,besides the notes (look at file)
Monkeys Observed that some should be referred to in the paper (wi/
Scientific Names):
-Lowland Gorilla
-Red Crowned Mangabey
-Coquerel’s Stifaka
-Blue Eyed Lemur
-King Colobuss
-White-Cheeked Gibbon
The Evolution of Primate Sexuality and Social Organization
Order 100% Plagiarism Free Essay Now
-Francis Langur
-Squirrel Monkey
-White Faced saki
-Black Howler Monkey
-Crested Capuchin
*Note: not all primates should be referred but some should be noted for
references towards content of the subject.
I think I covered everything. Please nothing too fancy and do not
copyright (I will check myself). The research paper is due May 1st, but
I am asking for the paper for the 28th of this month.
The order description is also linked in case not all of this is saved.